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Number 158
November 6, l986

Title:  DOS 3.2 Problem in G/NET (Rev. 4 Board) Shell Keyboard Buffer

During testing it was discovered that overloading the keyboard buffer while
using the Gateway G/NET (Rev. 4) board under DOS 3.2 may cause a stack
overflow.  This problem is resolved by increasing the number of stack frames
to 9 and leaving the size at 128 bytes.  This is done by creating a
CONFIG.SYS file or modifying an existing CONFIG.SYS file and then including
the following command within that file:

                              STACKS = 9, 128

It will of course, be necessary to reboot DOS and reload the shell to make
this change effective.  Detailed information is found in Appendix B of the
IBM PC DOS 3.2 manual.

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