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Number:  153
Date: 9-24-86

Title:  Characters Not Allowed In NetWare Names

The following characters are not allowed in names for Files, Directories,
Servers, Users, Groups, Queues, etc. (i.e., any NetWare file, directory, or
bindery object name).

Decimal Hexidecimal Character   Description

042     2A          *           Asterisk
170     AA          *           Asterisk with high bit set
063     3F          ?           Question mark
191     BF          ?           Question mark with high bit set
174     AE          .           Period with high bit set
034     22          "           Double quote
047     2F          /           Forward slash
092     5C          \           Backslash
091     5B          [           Open bracket
093     5D          ]           Close bracket
058     3A          :           Colon
124     7C          |           Vertical bar
060     3C          <           Less than sign
062     3E          >           Greater than sign
043     2B          +           Plus sign
061     3D          =           Equal sign
059     3B          ;           Semicolon
044     2C          ,           Comma

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