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Number: 146
Date: August 16, 1986

Title: (Novell) NetWare ARCNET NIC Support.

By following the directions below the (Novell) NetWare ARCNET NIC can be
used with all versions of NetWare and Advanced NetWare from 4.54 through
2.01.  This board can be used in place of the Standard Microsystems ARCNET
card in any NetWare/SM or Advanced NetWare/SM applications.

For NetWare/SM verisons 4.54 through 4.61b only:

Using the manual set the board to IRQ-2, I/O port 2E0 and base memory D000.
If the board is to be used in the server it must be set to physical node
address 01.  Workstation boards are set to a unique address other than 01.
IRQ-2 is not used on workstation boards and can be disabled by following the
supplied documentation.

For Advanced NetWare versions 1.0 through 1.02a only:

Using the manual, set the board to IRQ-2, I/O port 2E0 and base memory D000.
Servers and stations on the ARCNET system MUST all be set to unique physical
node addresses.  Versions 1.0 through 1.01a did not use any interrupts on
the workstations.  You may therefore disable the interrupt.  On version 1.02
and 1.02a IRQ-2 MUST be enable on the stations as well.

For Advanced NetWare V2.0, V2.0a and V2.01 only:

The drivers, on the diskette which is shipped with the (Novell) NetWare
ARCNET NIC, are for use only with Advanced NetWare version 2.0, 2.0a or
2.01.  They are NOT to be used with prior versions.  Previous versions
contained the appropriate driver in the software.

For Advanced NetWare versions 2.0, 2.0a and 2.01, follow instructions
supplied with the manual and the diskette. Please be aware of the important
information explained in the manual concerning physical node address
selection.  (The (Novell) NetWare ARCNET NIC physical node address selection
is different than the selection for the board supplied by Standard

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