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Mirroring turned off on volume VOLUMENAME (drive nn failed).

        Occurs on:  SFT II, TTS.

        Meaning:  This error message indicates that disk mirroring for
                  the volume named VOLUMENAME has been turned off
                  because one of the mirrored drives, drive number nn,
                  failed.  This is not a fatal error and the file server
                  will continue to operate although at least one volume
                  will no longer have a mirror backup.  The failure
                  should be located and repaired as soon as possible to
                  reduce the risk of loosing valuable data.

        Cause:  This error is caused by a failure in a disk drive,
                controller, Disk Coprocessor Board, or in the cables
                that pertain to one of the mirrored drives.  A power
                supply failure can also cause this error.

        Solution:  Repair or replace the bad disk drive, controller,
                   Disk Coprocessor Board, cables, or power supply
                   causing the problem.  After rebooting the file
                   server, use the REMIRROR console command to remirror
                   the drives.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson