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Error reading disk redirection information on sector 14.

        Occurs on:  SFT II, TTS.

        Meaning:  This error indicates that the disk redirection
                  information on sector 14 of the currently mounting
                  drive could not be correctly read.  Although this is
                  not a fatal error, the system will not be able to
                  utilize this drive until the problem is resolved.

        Cause:  This could be caused by a failure in the drive, Disk
                CoProcessor Board (DCB), controller, or connecting
                cables.  It may also be caused by invalid information on
                the disk.

        Solution:  Ensure that the drive, the DCB, and the controller
                   are properly seated, connected, and powered on.  If
                   nothing wrong can be detected, run PREPARE on the
                   drive and set up Hot Fix again. If this still does
                   not fix the problem, exchange the above mentioned
                   components one by one with known good components
                   until the problem component is found.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson