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Warning: disk write error in file FILENAME.EXT

Occurs on:  68, 86, and 286.

Meaning:  This error message will appear only on a WORKSTATION.  This is
          the only operating system error message that does not appear
          on the file server console.  This error indicates that the
          read-after-write verification of a hard disk write failed when
          the file server was attempting to write the file named
          "FILENAME.EXT" to disk.  When ever the hard disk is written
          to, the data is immediately read back and verified to be the
          same as what was written.  If this error occurs, the file
          server console displays the corresponding error message:
          "Write Error:  dir = ssss file = FILENAME.EXT vol =
          VOLUMENAME."  See the file server error message for more
          information.  This is not a fatal error.

   This error will never occur if HOTFIX is activated on the disk.
   HOTFIX will automatically redirect the bad sector to an alternate
   good sector on the disk and rewrite the data.  This is not a fatal
   error but it does indicate that the noted file is corrupt on the

Cause:  This error could be caused by a location on the disk that has
        gone bad and can no longer retain data correctly.  This error
        could also be caused by faulty electronics on the Disk
        CoProcessor Board (DCB), the disk controller or the hard disk

Solution:  If the user is still in the application program when he
           receives this error on the workstation, he should attempt to
           save the file again under a different file name.  The
           original file will be corrupt.  The original file should not
           be erased because another disk write may try to utilize the
           same bad area on the disk.  Rename the file to a name that
           denotes that it is bad and discontinue using it.  If the
           information in the file must be retrieved, attempt to copy it
           to another file.  The VREPAIR utility may also be used on the
           file server to diagnose and repair file problems.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson