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*** WARNING *** Directory sector sss data mirror mismatch.

Occurs on:  68, 86, and 286.

Meaning:  This message indicates that the primary and secondary (mirror)
          copies of directory sector "sss" do not match.  This is not a
          fatal error.

Cause:  The most likely cause of this condition is that the server was
        suddenly stopped (by a power problem, hardware failure, etc.)
        between the time one sector was updated and the time its mirror
        was written.  This error may also occur if the server is powered
        off without using the DOWN command at the console.

Solution:  This is not considered a fatal error.  If a data mirror
           mismatch is detected, then the server will use the primary
           copy of the directory rather than the secondary copy.  The
           primary copy is the one that is correct since it is written
           to disk first when a directory update occurs.  The server
           does NOT automatically update the secondary copy to make it
           match the primary copy.  Instead, both copies are left "as
           is".  This condition will eventually clear itself if the
           volume is mounted and the server is run.  While running, any
           update request to this directory sector will cause the
           mirrored sector to be updated to match the primary sector
           once again.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson