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Occurs on:  68 only.  This is an Abend error.

Meaning:  This will be displayed when after setting up its internal
          tables the file server does not have enough memory left to
          cache the File Allocation Tables for all of the mounted disk
          volumes.  The file server must have 1 kilobyte of memory for
          each megabyte of disk storage in which to cache the FAT tables
          for all mounted volumes.

Cause:  This error may be caused by attempting to mount more disk space
        than the amount of memory that is in the file server will
        support.  This error may also occur if a high bank of memory
        failed in the file server, causing it to run with less than its
        normal amount of memory.

Solution:  Check the memory in the file server to insure that it is
           good.  Run SYSED and decrease the amount of disk storage that
           is to be mounted by eliminating a volume or volumes or add
           additional memory to the file server.  If the recommended
           amount of disk storage is exceeded, then the amount of disk
           storage must be reduced.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson