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        Linking C objects and FORCE objects:

        Q:    I have the C code written, and the FORCE code written, now
              how do I put them together?

        A:    Follow two rules of thumb:
                 1) ALWAYS remember to compile your C code with the Large
                    memory model.  If you don't, you'll probably get a
                    corrupted stack when you try to run your program.

                 2) If you call any C library functions from either your C
                    or your FORCE routines, be sure to call the appropriate
                    setup-*() function, and be sure to link with the startup
                    code provided with FORCE, or you'll get subtle and]
                    nearly untraceable bugs in your .EXE.

              If you don't have both of these right, you'll probably never
              get to the next questions.

See Also: General Compatibility Parameter_passing Array_passing
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson