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        Q:    Is FORCE compatible with XxX brand C compiler?

        A:    It is possible to mix FORCE with C code generated by any
        compiler that follows the MicroSoft standard for object code
        generation.  That includes at least MicroSoft and Borland, though
        there are probably others.

              You will problems using the Borland C++ [2,3].0 C library,
        however, since several symbols have been added to it that conflict
        with the turboc.obj startup object code.  Borland has also greatly
        changed their memory management techniques, and many functions may
        not be compatible with FORCE at all.

        I've heard that Zortech C code works, but I can't confirm it.

        Q:    Is FORCE compatible with any C++ compilers?

        A:    None that I know of.  C++ object code is usually somewhat
        different from standard MicroSoft object code, due to 'Class'
        storage.  However, there are a few UNIX C++ compilers that DO
        generate 'correct' UNIX object code by translating C++ into C first.
        These compilers obviously won't do you any good, but you may be able
        to find a DOS version of that compiler (if you do, and you can get
        it to work, let me know).  You might want to try the GNU ports.

        Q:    Is FORCE compatible with XxX brand C Linkers?

        A:    FORCE is compatible with Borland's TLINK (versions 2.0 and
        under), and with MicroSoft LINK (versions 3.65 and lower).  Blink
        Inc.'s BLINKER 1.5 works also, and I've heard that Zortech's BLINK
        (no relation to Blink, Inc.'s BLINKer) works okay.  Any others and
        you're on your own, so to speak.

See Also: General Linking Parameter_passing Array_passing
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