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* xms.prg -- Routines for an XMS run-time library.
#include xms.hdr
#include defs.hdr
#include undoc.hdr
#include common.hdr

#pragma W_FUNC_PROC-
   CHAR            RCSid = "$Header: C:\TECH\FAQ\XMS\RCS\xms.prg 0.12 1992/05/20 07:10:30 holmesda Exp holmesda $"
   LONG            driver_address = &NULL

   * The following variables fake a structure needed by xms_copy()
   LONG            Copy_Length      && 32-bit number of bytes to transfer
   UINT            SourceHandle     && Handle of source block
   LONG            SourceOffset     && 32-bit offset into source
   UINT            DestHandle       && Handle of destination block
   LONG            DestOffset       && 32-bit offset into destination block


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