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        Q:      Hm.  Still looks suspiciouly like assembler to me.  What
        do you have the I can USE?

        A:      As promised, I've provided several wrapper functions
        that hide the Call_driver() function from you, so that you
        don't have to worry about it if you don't want to.  Let me
        introduce them.

        FUNCTION LOGICAL        xms_installed
        FUNCTION LONG           xms_get_driver
        FUNCTION UINT           xms_get_version
        FUNCTION INT            xms_avail
        FUNCTION LOGICAL        xms_alloc
        PROCEDURE               xms_free
        FUNCTION LOGICAL        xms_copy
        FUNCTION LONG           xms_lock
        FUNCTION INT            xms_unlock

        * Plus two wrapper functions around xms_copy()

        FUNCTION LOGICAL        xms_insert
        FUNCTION LOGICAL        xms_retrieve

        There are four functions that you'll use heavily when working with
        XMS in FORCE.  They are xms_alloc(), xms_free(), xms_insert(),
        and xms_retrieve().  The last two are just wrappers around the
        xms_copy() function, and the first two you'll need to get and
        free the XMS memory.  The rest of the functions are used internally
        by these four functions.  For example, you don't need to worry
        about the xms_get_driver() function, since it just returns the
        address of the driver, and that's taken care of by all of the
        functions in the XMS library.

        Let's suppose you wanted a slick way to save entire screens to
        some convenient place, and bring them back at will.  You could
        do something like this:

                        INT             temp_handle
                        LONG            video_mem = 0xb8000000

                PROCEDURE screen_to_xms

                   xms_alloc( temp_handle, 4 )  && screens are 4K
                   xms_copy( &NULL, video_mem, temp_handle, 0, 4000 )


        Then, when you want your screen back:

                PROCEDURE xms_to_screen

                   xms_copy( temp_handle, 0, &NULL, video_mem, 4000 )
                   xms_free( temp_handle )


        Or, suppose that you wanted a way to read a "screen" from disk,
        copy it into XMS, and then call it up whenever you want.  You
        could do something like this:

                        BYTE            one_screen[4000]
                        INT             help_handle

                PROCEDURE read_help_screen
                   PARAMETERS CONST CHAR filename

                        UINT            file_handle

                   fb_open( file_handle, filename, &B_READ )
                   fb_read( file_handle, one_screen, 4000 )
                   fb_close( file_handle )

                   xms_alloc( help_handle, 4 )
                   xms_insert( one_screen, help_handle, 0, 4000 )


        In fact, there's a sample program that shows you exactly how
        you might want to implement this in the SAMPLE directory.

        Well, that's all for now.  I am of course, always available
        on the BBS and CIS, so if you have any questions or comments,
        feel free to contact me.

See Also: xms_installed() xms_avail() xms_get_driver() xms_get_version() xms_alloc() xms_free() xms_copy() xms_lock() xms_unlock()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson