Introduction · Sample Program Code · Specifying an Image
Text and Image Positioning · Specifying the JCButton Arm Label
Events · Property Listing · Example Programs
Labels and Buttons are standard Graphical User Interface (GUI) components that are common to virtually all windowing systems. A label contains text which identifies the function of another GUI component. The text in a label can be changed from within the application, but it is not directly accessible to the user. A button (or "pushbutton") enables the user to initiate an action by pressing the button.
Labels and buttons have been incorporated into the Java Development Kit (JDK), but their functionality is limited. In the JDK, labels and buttons are limited to displaying single lines of text. The chief advantages of JCLabels and JCButtons are that they can contain multiple lines of text, images, or contain both text and images. In addition, JCButtons use a callback mechanism that enables the use of "armLabels", so that a different label is temporarily displayed when the button is pressed (or "armed").
JCLabels behave in the following manner:
JCButtons behave in the following manner:
There are no keyboard traversal routines for JCLabel.
When a JCButton has focus, hitting the SPACE BAR or ENTER key depresses the JCButton.
The following code fragment, when inserted into a program, creates a JCLabel component and illustrates some of JCLabel's capabilities:
package jclass.bwt.examples; import jclass.bwt.BWTEnum; import jclass.bwt.JCLabel; import jclass.util.JCString; import jclass.util.JCImageCreator; import jclass.util.JCUtilConverter; import jclass.contrib.ContribFrame; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.Applet; /** * This example demonstrates various types of JCLabels. * Using JCStrings, you can easily create complex and attractive labels. */ public class labels extends Applet { static final String[] arrow_pixels = { " rrrrr ", " rrrrr ", " rrrrr ", " rrrrr ", " rrrrr ", " rrrrr ", "rrrrrrrrr", " rrrrrrr ", " rrrrr ", " rrr ", " r ", }; Applet applet; public labels() {} public labels(Applet applet) { this.applet = applet; } public void init() { if (applet == null) applet = this; setBackground(Color.lightGray); JCLabel label = new JCLabel("Simple label"); label.setBackground(; label.setForeground(Color.yellow); add(label); label = new JCLabel("Multi-line\nLabel"); label.setBackground(Color.lightGray); label.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 14)); label.setPreferredSize(80, 50); add(label); label = new JCLabel(null, "../images/smile32.gif", applet, BWTEnum.STRING_RIGHT); label.setBackground(Color.lightGray); add(label); label = new JCLabel("Image", "../images/smile32.gif", applet, BWTEnum.STRING_BOTTOM); label.setBackground(Color.cyan); label.setFont(new Font("Courier", Font.ITALIC, 14)); add(label); JCImageCreator im = new JCImageCreator(this, arrow_pixels[0].length(), arrow_pixels.length); im.setColor('r',; Image arrow = im.create(arrow_pixels); label = new JCLabel("Aligned\nBottom-Right", arrow, BWTEnum.STRING_TOP); label.setBackground(Color.yellow); label.setForeground(; label.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14)); label.setAlignment(BWTEnum.BOTTOMRIGHT); label.setPreferredSize(100, 80); add(label); label = new JCLabel(); label.setBackground(Color.white); JCString s = JCString.parse(applet, "Mix images [IMG=../images/cut16.gif], [COLOR=red]colors,\n[RESET][font=TimesRoman-ITALIC-20]fonts,[DEFAULT_FONT]\n[ST]Mistakes[/ST],\n even URLs: [COLOR=blue][href=]KL's JClass page[/href]"); label.setLabel(s); add(label); } public static void main(String args[]) { ContribFrame frame = new ContribFrame("Labels"); labels s = new labels(); s.init(); frame.add(s); frame.pack();; } }This creates the following program display:
Almost all of the properties defined for JCLabel are also defined for JCButton. The following code fragment, when inserted into a program, creates a JCButton component:
package jclass.bwt.examples; import jclass.bwt.BWTEnum; import jclass.bwt.JCActionEvent; import jclass.bwt.JCActionListener; import jclass.bwt.JCButton; import jclass.bwt.JCButtonEvent; import jclass.bwt.JCButtonListener; import jclass.contrib.ContribFrame; import jclass.util.JCString; import jclass.util.JCUtilConverter; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.Applet; /** * This example demonstrates various types of JCButtons and events. * Using JCStrings, you can easily create complex and attractive labels. */ public class buttons extends java.applet.Applet implements JCActionListener, JCButtonListener { /* ActionListener method */ public void actionPerformed(JCActionEvent ev) { //System.out.println(""+ev); } /* * JCButtonListener methods */ public void buttonArmBegin(JCButtonEvent ev) { ((Component)ev.getSource()).setBackground(Color.white); } public void buttonArmEnd(JCButtonEvent ev) {} public void buttonDisarmBegin(JCButtonEvent ev) { ((Component)ev.getSource()).setBackground(Color.lightGray); } public void buttonDisarmEnd(JCButtonEvent ev) {} Applet parent; public buttons() {} public buttons(Applet p) { parent = p; } public void init() { Applet app = (parent != null) ? parent : this; setBackground(Color.lightGray); JCButton button = new JCButton("Simple button", app, "simple_button"); button.addActionListener(this); add(button); button = new JCButton("Multi-line\nButton"); button.addActionListener(this); add(button); button = new JCButton("Images and Text", "../images/smile32.gif", app, BWTEnum.STRING_RIGHT); button.setBackground(Color.white); add(button); button = new JCButton("Image", "../images/smile32.gif", app, BWTEnum.STRING_BOTTOM); button.setBackground(Color.white); add(button); Image im = JCUtilConverter.toImage(app, "../images/smile32.gif"); button = new JCButton(im); button.addButtonListener(this); add(button); JCString s1 = JCString.parse(app, "[IMG=../images/smile32.gif][HORIZ_SPACE=10][ALIGN=MIDDLE]Push Me"); JCString s2 = JCString.parse(app, "[IMG=../images/sad32.gif][HORIZ_SPACE=10][ALIGN=MIDDLE]I'm Pushed"); button = new JCButton(s1, app, null); button.setArmLabel(s2); button.setAlignment(BWTEnum.MIDDLELEFT); button.setBackground(Color.cyan); add(button); } public static void main(String args[]) { ContribFrame frame = new ContribFrame("Buttons"); buttons s = new buttons(); s.init(); frame.add(s); frame.pack();; } }This produces the following button display:
Both of these examples use JCStrings to insert images within the button or label. For more information on JCStrings, see JCString Properties.
The sample code used in these examples are incorporated into the files label.class and button.class provided with JClass BWT. For information on how to run these program, see the "Example Programs" section at the end of this chapter.
To specify a image for a JCLabel or JCButton component, pass an image to the JCButton or JCLabel constructor. The JCButton or JCLabel constructor can be passed a text String, image, JCString or an Object.
Text and images can be aligned within a JCLabel by using the Alignment property which has nine possible values: TOPLEFT, TOPCENTER, TOPRIGHT, MIDDLELEFT, MIDDLECENTER, MIDDLERIGHT, BOTTOMLEFT, BOTTOMCENTER, and BOTTOMRIGHT. All nine values are shown using text strings in the following display:
The default value for Alignment is MIDDLECENTER.
Text and images can also be aligned using JCStrings. This approach is limited to the three values possible with ALIGN: TOP, BOTTOM and MIDDLE.
JCButton enables you to define a label to be displayed when the user has pressed the button but has not yet released it. This image is called an arm label.
The following is an example of a JCButton using the setArmLabel() method:
button = new JCButton(); s1 = JCString.parse(this, "[IMG=../images/smile32.gif][HORIZ_SPACE=10][ALIGN=MIDDLE]Push Me"); button.setLabel(s1); JCString s2 = JCString.parse(this, "[IMG=../images/sad32.gif][HORIZ_SPACE=10][ALIGN=MIDDLE]I'm Pushed"); button.setArmLabel(s2);This produces the effect shown in the following figure:
Note that the pressed button in the previous illustration displays the dotted lines associated with a button that has focus.
A class can be notified when the user clicks a JCButton by implementing the JCActionListener interface and registering itself with the button via addActionListener:
public interface JCActionListener { public void actionPerformed(JCActionEvent e); } public class JCActionEvent { // Returns the component where the event originated. public Object getSource() // Returns the event type: ACTION_PERFORMED. public int getId() // Returns the command name set via JCButton.setActionCommand() public String getActionCommand() }In addition, if a class wishes to be notified before and after the user presses the button, it can implement the JCButtonListener interface and register itself with the button via addButtonListener, as the following code demonstrates:
public interface JCButtonListener { // Invoked before the button is armed (i.e. pushed). public void buttonArmBegin(JCButtonEvent e); // Invoked after the button is armed (i.e. pushed). public void buttonArmEnd(JCButtonEvent e); // Invoked before the button is disarmed (i.e. released). public void buttonDisarmBegin(JCButtonEvent e); // Invoked after the button is disarmed (i.e. released). public void buttonDisarmEnd(JCButtonEvent e); }As JCLabels are non-interactive, there are no event handlers for them.
The following summarizes the properties of JCButton and JCLabel. Complete reference documentation is available online in standard javadoc format in jclass.bwt.JCButton.html and jclass.bwt.JCLabel.html.
Name | Method | Inherited from |
Alignment | setAlignment | jclass.bwt.JCLabel |
ArmLabel | setArmLabel | jclass.bwt.JCButton |
Background | setBackground | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
DoubleBuffer | setDoubleBuffer | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
Font | setFont | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
Foreground | setForeground | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
HighlightColor | setHighlightColor | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
HighlightThickness | setHighlightThickness | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
Insets | setInsets | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
Label | setLabel | jclass.bwt.JCLabel |
PreferredSize | setPreferredSize | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
Traversable | setTraversable | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
UserData | setUserData | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
Name |
Method |
Inherited from |
Alignment |
setAlignment | jclass.bwt.JCLabel |
Background | setBackground | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
DoubleBuffer | setDoubleBuffer | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
Font | setFont | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
Foreground | setForeground | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
HighlightColor | setHighlightColor | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
HighlightThickness | setHighlightThickness | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
Insets | setInsets | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
Label | setLabel | jclass.bwt.JCLabel |
PreferredSize | setPreferredSize | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
Traversable | setTraversable | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
UserData | setUserData | jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
Demonstration programs and example code containing JCButtons and JCLabels come with JClass BWT. The examples can be viewed in applet form by launching index.html within the /jclass/bwt/examples directory. buttons.class and labels.class can also be run as stand-alone Java applications from the command prompt by typing:
java jclass.bwt.examples.labelsand
java jclass.bwt.examples.buttons