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Class jclass.bwt.TabPageArea


public class TabPageArea
extends JCContainer
A private container for use by a JCTabManager for holding its pages.

See Also:

Constructor Index

 o TabPageArea(JCTabManager)
Creates an empty area with the specified parent.

Method Index

 o addPage(Component)
Adds a page.
 o drawShadow(Graphics)
Draws a 1-pixel shadow.
 o paintInterior(Graphics)
Draws a 1-pixel shadow.
 o showPage(Component)
Displays the specified page.


 o TabPageArea
 public TabPageArea(JCTabManager tab_manager)
Creates an empty area with the specified parent.


 o addPage
 protected void addPage(Component page)
Adds a page.

 o showPage
 protected void showPage(Component page)
Displays the specified page.

 o paintInterior
 public synchronized void paintInterior(Graphics gc)
Draws a 1-pixel shadow.

paintInterior in class JCContainer
 o drawShadow
 protected void drawShadow(Graphics gc)
Draws a 1-pixel shadow.

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