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Class jclass.bwt.JCTextEvent


public class JCTextEvent
extends TextEvent
JCTextValueEvent is posted by a JCTextComponent when its value changes.

See Also:
JCTextAdapter, JCTextListener, addTextListener

Constructor Index

 o JCTextEvent(JCTextComponent, int, int, String)

Method Index

 o getAllowChange()
Determines whether the value change be allowed.
 o getEndPosition()
Gets the ending position of the text to modify.
 o getStartPosition()
Gets the starting position of the text to modify.
 o getText()
Gets the string to be inserted.
 o isDeletion()
Returns true if text is being deleted.
 o paramString()
 o setAllowChange(boolean)
Determines whether the value change be allowed (default: true).
 o setEndPosition(int)
Sets the ending position of the text to modify.
 o setStartPosition(int)
Sets the starting position of the text to modify.
 o setText(String)
Sets the string to be inserted.


 o JCTextEvent
 public JCTextEvent(JCTextComponent comp,
                    int start,
                    int end,
                    String text)


 o getStartPosition
 public int getStartPosition()
Gets the starting position of the text to modify.

 o setStartPosition
 public void setStartPosition(int v)
Sets the starting position of the text to modify.

 o getEndPosition
 public int getEndPosition()
Gets the ending position of the text to modify.

 o setEndPosition
 public void setEndPosition(int v)
Sets the ending position of the text to modify.

 o getText
 public String getText()
Gets the string to be inserted.

 o setText
 public void setText(String v)
Sets the string to be inserted.

 o isDeletion
 public boolean isDeletion()
Returns true if text is being deleted.

 o getAllowChange
 public boolean getAllowChange()
Determines whether the value change be allowed.

 o setAllowChange
 public void setAllowChange(boolean v)
Determines whether the value change be allowed (default: true).

 o paramString
 public String paramString()
paramString in class TextEvent

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