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Class jclass.bwt.JCSpinBoxEvent


public class JCSpinBoxEvent
extends JCAWTEvent
JCSpinBoxEvent is posted by a JCSpinBox when its value changes.

See Also:
JCSpinBoxAdapter, JCSpinBoxListener, addSpinBoxListener

Constructor Index

 o JCSpinBoxEvent(Object, int, Object)

Method Index

 o getAllowChange()
Determines whether the text field's value should change.
 o getPosition()
Gets the position of the new item in the list.
 o getValue()
Gets the value that will be copied to the text field.
 o setAllowChange(boolean)
If this value is set to false, the text field's value is not changed (default: true).
 o setValue(Object)
Sets the value that will be copied to the text field.


 o JCSpinBoxEvent
 public JCSpinBoxEvent(Object source,
                       int position,
                       Object value)


 o getAllowChange
 public boolean getAllowChange()
Determines whether the text field's value should change.

 o setAllowChange
 public void setAllowChange(boolean v)
If this value is set to false, the text field's value is not changed (default: true).

 o getPosition
 public int getPosition()
Gets the position of the new item in the list.

 o getValue
 public Object getValue()
Gets the value that will be copied to the text field.

 o setValue
 public void setValue(Object v)
Sets the value that will be copied to the text field.

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