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Class jclass.bwt.JCProgressMeter


public class JCProgressMeter
extends JCComponent
A progress meter can be used by an application to indicate the progress of a lengthy operation. It consists of a rectangle that is gradually filled, from left to right, as an operation progresses. An optional label can be used to display the meter's current value or an application-defined string.


Name Method
AutoLabel setAutoLabel
Background setBackground
BarColor setBarColor
BarCount setBarCount
BarSpacing setBarSpacing
Font setFont
Foreground setForeground
Label setLabel
LabelPosition setLabelPosition
LabelWidth setLabelWidth
Maximum setMaximum
Minimum setMinimum
PreferredSize setPreferredSize
ShowLabel setShowLabel
Value setValue
UserData setUserData

Variable Index

 o bar_area
Bar area's bounding box
 o bar_height
Bar's height.
 o bar_horiz_inset
Bar's left and right inset.
 o bar_rect
Bar's drawn bounding box.
 o bar_shadow
Bar's shadow thickness.
 o bar_vert_inset
Bar's top and bottom inset.
 o label_inset
Space between label and bar area, if label is not centered.

Constructor Index

 o JCProgressMeter()
Constructs a meter with a range of [0, 100].
 o JCProgressMeter(Applet, String)
Creates a meter which reads parameters from the applet's HTML file.
 o JCProgressMeter(int, int, int)
Constructs a meter with a value, and minimum and max values.

Method Index

 o drawBar(Graphics)
Draws the bar.
 o drawLabel(Graphics, String)
Draws the label.
 o drawShadow(Graphics)
Draws the shadow around the bar.
 o getAutoLabel()
Gets the AutoLabel value.
 o getBarColor()
Gets the BarColor value.
 o getBarCount()
Gets the BarCount value.
 o getBarSpacing()
Gets the BarSpacing value.
 o getLabel()
Gets the Label value.
 o getLabelPosition()
Gets the LabelPosition value.
 o getLabelWidth()
Gets the LabelWidth value.
 o getMaximum()
Gets the maximum value.
 o getMinimum()
Gets the minimum value.
 o getParameters()
Reads the parameter values from the HTML page using the component's applet.
 o getShowLabel()
Gets the ShowLabel value.
 o getTimeElapsed()
Gets the time elapsed (in ms) since the minimum value was last set.
 o getTimeToCompletion()
Calculates an estimate of the time (in ms) before which the value will be 100%.
 o getTimeToCompletionString()
Calculates an estimate of the time before which the value will be 100%.
 o getValue()
Gets the current value.
 o getValuePercentage()
Gets the current value as a percentage of the range.
 o layout()
Lays out the component's internal elements.
 o paintComponent(Graphics)
Draws the shadow, bar and label.
 o preferredHeight()
Gets the subclass' preferred height (default: 100).
 o preferredWidth()
Gets the subclass' preferred width (default: 100).
 o setAutoLabel(boolean)
If true (default), a label will be displayed showing the meter's value as a percentage.
 o setBarColor(Color)
Sets the bar's color (default: red).
 o setBarCount(int)
Sets the number of discrete bars eventually displayed (default: 10).
 o setBarSpacing(int)
Sets the space (in pixels) between each bar, if BarCount is greater than 1 (default: 2).
 o setLabel(String)
Sets the label (default: null).
 o setLabelPosition(int)
Sets the label's position, relative to the bar: STRING_TOP, STRING_LEFT, STRING_RIGHT (default), STRING_BOTTOM or STRING_CENTER
 o setLabelWidth(int)
Sets the maximum number of characters which will be displayed, if ShowLabel is true (default: 4 if AutoLabel is true, 10 otherwise).
 o setMaximum(int)
Sets the maximum value.
 o setMinimum(int)
Sets the minimum value.
 o setShowLabel(boolean)
If true (default), a label will be displayed.
 o setValue(int)
Sets the value.
 o setValues(int, int, int)
Sets the meter's values.


 public static final int STRING_LEFT
 public static final int STRING_RIGHT
 public static final int STRING_TOP
 public static final int STRING_BOTTOM
 public static final int STRING_CENTER
 o label_inset
 protected int label_inset
Space between label and bar area, if label is not centered.

 o bar_area
 protected Rectangle bar_area
Bar area's bounding box

 o bar_rect
 protected Rectangle bar_rect
Bar's drawn bounding box.

 o bar_height
 protected int bar_height
Bar's height.

 o bar_vert_inset
 protected int bar_vert_inset
Bar's top and bottom inset.

 o bar_horiz_inset
 protected int bar_horiz_inset
Bar's left and right inset.

 o bar_shadow
 protected int bar_shadow
Bar's shadow thickness.


 o JCProgressMeter
 public JCProgressMeter()
Constructs a meter with a range of [0, 100].

See Also:
 o JCProgressMeter
 public JCProgressMeter(Applet applet,
                        String name)
Creates a meter which reads parameters from the applet's HTML file.

applet - the applet whose PARAM tags are to be read
name - if this is not null, only parameters preceded by this name are read
See Also:
 o JCProgressMeter
 public JCProgressMeter(int value,
                        int min,
                        int max)
Constructs a meter with a value, and minimum and max values.

value - the meter's value
min - the min value
max - the max value


 o getParameters
 protected void getParameters()
Reads the parameter values from the HTML page using the component's applet. The values will override those previously set.

getParameters in class JCComponent
 o getValue
 public int getValue()
Gets the current value.

 o getValuePercentage
 public int getValuePercentage()
Gets the current value as a percentage of the range.

 o setValue
 public synchronized void setValue(int v)
Sets the value.

value - the new value. If this value is below the current minimum or above the current maximum, it becomes the new one of those values, respectively.
See Also:
 o getMinimum
 public int getMinimum()
Gets the minimum value.

See Also:
 o setMinimum
 public void setMinimum(int v)
Sets the minimum value.

See Also:
 o getMaximum
 public int getMaximum()
Gets the maximum value.

See Also:
 o setMaximum
 public void setMaximum(int v)
Sets the maximum value.

See Also:
 o setValues
 public synchronized void setValues(int value,
                                    int min,
                                    int max)
Sets the meter's values.

value - the meter's value
min - the minimum value of the meter
max - the maximum value of the meter
 o getBarColor
 public Color getBarColor()
Gets the BarColor value.

See Also:
 o setBarColor
 public synchronized void setBarColor(Color v)
Sets the bar's color (default: red).

 o getBarCount
 public int getBarCount()
Gets the BarCount value.

See Also:
 o setBarCount
 public synchronized void setBarCount(int v)
Sets the number of discrete bars eventually displayed (default: 10).

 o getBarSpacing
 public int getBarSpacing()
Gets the BarSpacing value.

See Also:
 o setBarSpacing
 public synchronized void setBarSpacing(int v)
Sets the space (in pixels) between each bar, if BarCount is greater than 1 (default: 2).

See Also:
 o getLabel
 public String getLabel()
Gets the Label value.

See Also:
 o setLabel
 public synchronized void setLabel(String s)
Sets the label (default: null). If set, this value overrides the AutoLabel value.

See Also:
setAutoLabel, setLabelPosition
 o getAutoLabel
 public boolean getAutoLabel()
Gets the AutoLabel value.

See Also:
 o setAutoLabel
 public synchronized void setAutoLabel(boolean v)
If true (default), a label will be displayed showing the meter's value as a percentage. If Label is not null, it will be displayed instead. If set to true and LabelWidth has not been set, its value is set to 4.

See Also:
setLabel, setLabelPosition, setLabelWidth
 o getShowLabel
 public boolean getShowLabel()
Gets the ShowLabel value.

See Also:
 o setShowLabel
 public synchronized void setShowLabel(boolean v)
If true (default), a label will be displayed.

See Also:
setAutoLabel, setLabel, setLabelPosition
 o getLabelPosition
 public int getLabelPosition()
Gets the LabelPosition value.

See Also:
 o setLabelPosition
 public synchronized void setLabelPosition(int v)
Sets the label's position, relative to the bar: STRING_TOP, STRING_LEFT, STRING_RIGHT (default), STRING_BOTTOM or STRING_CENTER

Throws: IllegalArgumentException
If the value is invalid
See Also:
 o getLabelWidth
 public int getLabelWidth()
Gets the LabelWidth value.

See Also:
 o setLabelWidth
 public synchronized void setLabelWidth(int v)
Sets the maximum number of characters which will be displayed, if ShowLabel is true (default: 4 if AutoLabel is true, 10 otherwise).

See Also:
setAutoLabel, setLabel, setShowLabel
 o getTimeElapsed
 public long getTimeElapsed()
Gets the time elapsed (in ms) since the minimum value was last set.

See Also:
 o getTimeToCompletion
 public long getTimeToCompletion()
Calculates an estimate of the time (in ms) before which the value will be 100%.

BWTEnum.MAXINT if the value is equal to the minimum
See Also:
 o getTimeToCompletionString
 public String getTimeToCompletionString()
Calculates an estimate of the time before which the value will be 100%.

time in format HH:MM:SS, or "?" if the value is equal to the minimum
See Also:
 o preferredWidth
 protected int preferredWidth()
Gets the subclass' preferred width (default: 100).

preferredWidth in class JCComponent
 o preferredHeight
 protected int preferredHeight()
Gets the subclass' preferred height (default: 100).

preferredHeight in class JCComponent
 o layout
 public void layout()
Lays out the component's internal elements.

layout in class JCComponent
 o drawShadow
 protected void drawShadow(Graphics gc)
Draws the shadow around the bar.

drawShadow in class JCComponent
 o drawBar
 protected void drawBar(Graphics gc)
Draws the bar.

 o drawLabel
 protected void drawLabel(Graphics gc,
                          String label)
Draws the label.

 o paintComponent
 protected void paintComponent(Graphics gc)
Draws the shadow, bar and label.

paintComponent in class JCComponent
See Also:
drawShadow, drawBar, drawLabel

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