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Class jclass.bwt.JCOutlinerFolderNode


public class JCOutlinerFolderNode
extends JCOutlinerNode
This class describes a folder node in a JCOutliner component.

See Also:

Variable Index

 o children
Sub-nodes of this folder.
 o state
Folder's state.

Constructor Index

 o JCOutlinerFolderNode(JCVector, int, Object)
Creates a folder with an initial state with the specified children.
 o JCOutlinerFolderNode(JCVector, Object)
Creates a folder with state FOLDER_OPEN_ALL with the specified children.
 o JCOutlinerFolderNode(Object)
Creates an empty folder with state FOLDER_OPEN_ALL.
 o JCOutlinerFolderNode(Object, JCOutlinerFolderNode)
Creates an empty folder with state FOLDER_OPEN_ALL with the specified parent.

Method Index

 o addFolderNode(Object)
Adds a folder with the specified label to this folder.
 o addNode(JCOutlinerNode)
Adds a node to this folder.
 o addNode(JCOutlinerNode, int)
Adds a node to this folder at the specified position.
 o addNode(Object)
Adds a node with the specified label to this folder.
 o clone()
Creates a clone of the folder.
 o getChildren()
Gets the folder's children.
 o getState()
Gets the folder's state.
 o removeChild(JCOutlinerNode)
Removes a child (if it exists).
 o removeChildren()
Removes all children (if any).
 o setChildren(JCVector)
Adds a list of children, replacing the previous list (if any).
 o setState(int)
Sets the folder's state:
BWTEnum.FOLDER_CLOSED       Folder closed; no children visible (default)
BWTEnum.FOLDER_OPEN_NONE    Folder open; no children visible
BWTEnum.FOLDER_OPEN_FOLDERS Folder open; only folder children visible
BWTEnum.FOLDER_OPEN_ITEMS   Folder open; only non-folder children visible
BWTEnum.FOLDER_OPEN_ALL     Folder open; all children visible


 o state
 protected int state
Folder's state.

 o children
 protected JCVector children
Sub-nodes of this folder.


 o JCOutlinerFolderNode
 public JCOutlinerFolderNode(Object label)
Creates an empty folder with state FOLDER_OPEN_ALL.

 o JCOutlinerFolderNode
 public JCOutlinerFolderNode(Object label,
                             JCOutlinerFolderNode parent)
Creates an empty folder with state FOLDER_OPEN_ALL with the specified parent.

 o JCOutlinerFolderNode
 public JCOutlinerFolderNode(JCVector children,
                             Object label)
Creates a folder with state FOLDER_OPEN_ALL with the specified children.

 o JCOutlinerFolderNode
 public JCOutlinerFolderNode(JCVector children,
                             int state,
                             Object label)
Creates a folder with an initial state with the specified children.


 o addNode
 public JCOutlinerNode addNode(Object label)
Adds a node with the specified label to this folder.

the new node
 o addNode
 public void addNode(JCOutlinerNode node)
Adds a node to this folder.

 o addNode
 public void addNode(JCOutlinerNode node,
                     int index)
Adds a node to this folder at the specified position.

 o addFolderNode
 public JCOutlinerFolderNode addFolderNode(Object label)
Adds a folder with the specified label to this folder.

the new node
 o getChildren
 public JCVector getChildren()
Gets the folder's children.

getChildren in class JCOutlinerNode
 o setChildren
 public void setChildren(JCVector children)
Adds a list of children, replacing the previous list (if any).

 o removeChildren
 public void removeChildren()
Removes all children (if any).

 o removeChild
 public void removeChild(JCOutlinerNode child)
Removes a child (if it exists).

 o getState
 public int getState()
Gets the folder's state.

getState in class JCOutlinerNode
 o setState
 public void setState(int v)
Sets the folder's state:
BWTEnum.FOLDER_CLOSED       Folder closed; no children visible (default)
BWTEnum.FOLDER_OPEN_NONE    Folder open; no children visible
BWTEnum.FOLDER_OPEN_FOLDERS Folder open; only folder children visible
BWTEnum.FOLDER_OPEN_ITEMS   Folder open; only non-folder children visible
BWTEnum.FOLDER_OPEN_ALL     Folder open; all children visible

 o clone
 public synchronized Object clone()
Creates a clone of the folder.

clone in class JCOutlinerNode

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