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Class jclass.beans.IndexedPropertyEditor


public class IndexedPropertyEditor
extends JCContainer
implements PropertyEditor, ActionListener, JCItemListener

Variable Index

 o objects
 o outliner
 o pane
 o target

Constructor Index

 o IndexedPropertyEditor()

Method Index

 o actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
 o addItem(int)
 o addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener)
 o getAsText()
 o getCustomEditor()
 o getJavaInitializationString()
 o getTags()
 o getValue()
 o isPaintable()
 o itemStateChanged(JCItemEvent)
 o paintValue(Graphics, Rectangle)
 o preferredSize()
Returns the preferred size of this container.
 o removeItem(int)
 o removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener)
 o setArrayValue()
 o setAsText(String)
 o setValue(Object)
 o supportsCustomEditor()


 o target
 protected Object target
 o outliner
 protected JCOutliner outliner
 o objects
 protected JCVector objects
 o pane
 protected Panel pane


 o IndexedPropertyEditor
 public IndexedPropertyEditor()


 o preferredSize
 public Dimension preferredSize()
Returns the preferred size of this container.

preferredSize in class JCContainer
 o setValue
 public void setValue(Object value)
 o setArrayValue
 protected void setArrayValue()
 o addItem
 protected void addItem(int index)
 o removeItem
 protected void removeItem(int index)
 o itemStateChanged
 public void itemStateChanged(JCItemEvent e)
 o actionPerformed
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev)
 o getValue
 public Object getValue()
 o isPaintable
 public boolean isPaintable()
 o paintValue
 public void paintValue(Graphics gc,
                        Rectangle box)
 o getJavaInitializationString
 public String getJavaInitializationString()
 o getAsText
 public String getAsText()
 o setAsText
 public void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException
 o getTags
 public String[] getTags()
 o getCustomEditor
 public Component getCustomEditor()
 o supportsCustomEditor
 public boolean supportsCustomEditor()
 o addPropertyChangeListener
 public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
 o removePropertyChangeListener
 public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)

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