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Class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle


public class JCChartStyle
extends Object
implements JCSerializable
Represents a style for rendering a chart group. It controls fill styles, symbol styles and line styles.


Name Method
LineStyle The LineStyle property controls the appearance of lines in chart. See JCLineStyle for additional properties.
LinePattern The LinePattern property dictates the pattern used to draw a line. Valid values include JCLineStyle.NONE, JCLineStyle.SOLID, JCLineStyle.LONG_DASH, JCLineStyle.SHORT_DASH, JCLineStyle.LSL_DASH and JCLineStyle.DASH_DOT. Note: Since Java does not support line patterns, this property is currently not supported. Default value is JCLineStyle.SOLID.
LineWidth The LineWidth property controls the line width. Note: Since Java only supports width-1 lines, this property is currently not supported. Default value is 1.
LineColor The LineColor property determines the color used to draw a line. Default value is generated.
SymbolStyle The SymbolStyle property controls the symbol that represents an individual point. See JCSymbolStyle for additional properties. Note that All JCChartStyle properties of the format Symbol* are virtual properties that map to properties of JCSymbolStyle.
SymbolShape The SymbolShape property determines the type of symbol that will be drawn. Valid values include JCSymbolStyle.NONE, JCSymbolStyle.DOT, JCSymbolStyle.BOX, JCSymbolStyle.TRIANGLE, JCSymbolStyle.DIAMOND, JCSymbolStyle.STAR, JCSymbolStyle.VERT_LINE, JCSymbolStyle.HORIZ_LINE, JCSymbolStyle.CROSS, JCSymbolStyle.CIRCLE and JCSymbolStyle.SQUARE. Default value is generated.
SymbolColor The SymbolColor property determines color used to paint the symbol. Default value is generated.
SymbolSize The SymbolSize property determines color used to paint the symbol. Default value is 6.
SymbolCustomShape The SymbolCustomShape property contains an object derived from JCShape that is used to draw points. See JCShape for details. Default value is null.
FillStyle The FillStyle property controls the appearance of filled areas in chart. See JCFillStyle for additional properties. Note that All JCChartStyle properties of the format Fill* are virtual properties that map to properties of JCFillStyle.
FillColor The FillColor property determines the color used to fill regions in chart. Default value is generated.
FillPattern The FillPattern property determines the fill pattern used to fill regions in chart. Note: Since Java does not support patterned fills, this property is not supported. Default value is JCLineStyle.SOLID.
FillImage The FillImage property determines the image used to paint the fill region of bar charts. Default value is null.

See Also:
JCFillStyle, JCSymbolStyle, JCLineStyle

Constructor Index

 o JCChartStyle()
Default constructor for chart style objects.
 o JCChartStyle(JCLineStyle, JCFillStyle, JCSymbolStyle)
Constructor for chart style objects

Method Index

 o getFillColor()
Gets the value of the FillColor property.
 o getFillImage()
Gets the value of the FillImage property.
 o getFillPattern()
Gets the value of the FillPattern property.
 o getFillStyle()
Gets the JCFillStyle property, which controls how fills are drawn.
 o getLineColor()
Gets the value of the LineColor property.
 o getLinePattern()
Gets the value of the LinePattern property.
 o getLineStyle()
Gets the JCLineStyle property, which controls how lines are drawn.
 o getLineWidth()
Gets the value of the LineWidth property.
 o getSymbolColor()
Gets the value of the SymbolColor property The SymbolColor property determines color used to paint the symbol.
 o getSymbolCustomShape()
Gets the value of the SymbolCustomShape property.
 o getSymbolShape()
Gets the value of the SymbolShape property.
 o getSymbolSize()
Gets the value of the SymbolSize property.
 o getSymbolStyle()
Gets the SymbolStyle property The SymbolStyle property controls the symbol that represents an individual point.
 o makeDefault(JCChart)
Creates a default chart style
 o resetDefaults()
Internal method to reset the default color indices for chart style objects.
 o setFillColor(Color)
Sets the value of the FillColor property.
 o setFillImage(Image)
Sets the value of the FillImage property.
 o setFillPattern(int)
Sets the value of the FillPattern property.
 o setFillStyle(JCFillStyle)
Sets the JCFillStyle property, which controls how fills are drawn.
 o setLineColor(Color)
Sets the value of the LineColor property.
 o setLinePattern(int)
Sets the value of the LinePattern property.
 o setLineStyle(JCLineStyle)
Sets the JCLineStyle property, which controls how lines are drawn.
 o setLineWidth(int)
Sets the value of the LineWidth property.
 o setSymbolColor(Color)
Sets the value of the SymbolColor property The SymbolColor property determines color used to paint the symbol.
 o setSymbolCustomShape(JCShape)
Sets the value of the SymbolCustomShape property.
 o setSymbolShape(int)
Sets the value of the SymbolShape property.
 o setSymbolSize(int)
Sets the value of the SymbolSize property.
 o setSymbolStyle(JCSymbolStyle)
Gets the SymbolStyle property The SymbolStyle property controls the symbol that represents an individual point.


 o JCChartStyle
  public JCChartStyle(JCLineStyle ls,
                      JCFillStyle fs,
                      JCSymbolStyle ps)
Constructor for chart style objects

ls - JCLineStyle instance representing the line style for this chart style object.
fs - JCFillStyle instance representing the fill style for this chart style object.
ps - JCSymbolStyle instance representing the symbol style for this chart style object.
 o JCChartStyle
  public JCChartStyle()
Default constructor for chart style objects. Creates default line style, fill style and symbol style objects.


 o makeDefault
  public static JCChartStyle makeDefault(JCChart c)
Creates a default chart style

JCChartStyle object with default line, fill and symbol styles. The defaults are cycled, so consecutive calls will return different chart styles.
 o getLineStyle
  public JCLineStyle getLineStyle()
Gets the JCLineStyle property, which controls how lines are drawn.

JCLineStyle instance representing the line drawing style
 o setLineStyle
  public synchronized void setLineStyle(JCLineStyle ls)
Sets the JCLineStyle property, which controls how lines are drawn.

ls - JCLineStyle instance representing the line drawing style
 o getLinePattern
  public int getLinePattern()
Gets the value of the LinePattern property. The LinePattern property dictates the pattern used to draw a line. Valid values include JCLineStyle.NONE, JCLineStyle.SOLID, JCLineStyle.LONG_DASH, JCLineStyle.SHORT_DASH, JCLineStyle.LSL_DASH and JCLineStyle.DASH_DOT. Note: Since Java does not support line patterns, this property is currently not supported

line pattern enum
 o setLinePattern
  public void setLinePattern(int p)
Sets the value of the LinePattern property. The LinePattern property dictates the pattern used to draw a line. Valid values include JCLineStyle.NONE, JCLineStyle.SOLID, JCLineStyle.LONG_DASH, JCLineStyle.SHORT_DASH, JCLineStyle.LSL_DASH and JCLineStyle.DASH_DOT. Note: Since Java does not support line patterns, this property is currently not supported

pline - pattern enum
 o getLineWidth
  public int getLineWidth()
Gets the value of the LineWidth property. The LineWidth property controls the line width. Note: Since Java only supports width-1 lines, this property is currently not supported

line width
 o setLineWidth
  public synchronized void setLineWidth(int lw)
Sets the value of the LineWidth property. The LineWidth property controls the line width. Note: Since Java only supports width-1 lines, this property is currently not supported

lw - line width
 o getLineColor
  public Color getLineColor()
Gets the value of the LineColor property. The LineColor property determines the color used to draw a line.

line color
 o setLineColor
  public synchronized void setLineColor(Color lc)
Sets the value of the LineColor property. The LineColor property determines the color used to draw a line.

lc - line color
 o getSymbolStyle
  public JCSymbolStyle getSymbolStyle()
Gets the SymbolStyle property The SymbolStyle property controls the symbol that represents an individual point.

JCSymbolStyle instance representing the symbol drawing style
 o setSymbolStyle
  public synchronized void setSymbolStyle(JCSymbolStyle ps)
Gets the SymbolStyle property The SymbolStyle property controls the symbol that represents an individual point.

ps - JCSymbolStyle instance representing the symbol drawing style
 o getSymbolShape
  public int getSymbolShape()
Gets the value of the SymbolShape property. The SymbolShape property determines the type of symbol that will be drawn. Valid values include JCSymbolStyle.NONE, JCSymbolStyle.DOT, JCSymbolStyle.BOX, JCSymbolStyle.TRIANGLE, JCSymbolStyle.DIAMOND, JCSymbolStyle.STAR, JCSymbolStyle.VERT_LINE, JCSymbolStyle.HORIZ_LINE, JCSymbolStyle.CROSS, JCSymbolStyle.CIRCLE and JCSymbolStyle.SQUARE

symbol shape
 o setSymbolShape
  public synchronized void setSymbolShape(int st)
Sets the value of the SymbolShape property. The SymbolShape property determines the type of symbol that will be drawn. Valid values include JCSymbolStyle.NONE, JCSymbolStyle.DOT, JCSymbolStyle.BOX, JCSymbolStyle.TRIANGLE, JCSymbolStyle.DIAMOND, JCSymbolStyle.STAR, JCSymbolStyle.VERT_LINE, JCSymbolStyle.HORIZ_LINE, JCSymbolStyle.CROSS, JCSymbolStyle.CIRCLE and JCSymbolStyle.SQUARE

st - symbol shape
 o getSymbolColor
  public Color getSymbolColor()
Gets the value of the SymbolColor property The SymbolColor property determines color used to paint the symbol.

symbol color
 o setSymbolColor
  public synchronized void setSymbolColor(Color sc)
Sets the value of the SymbolColor property The SymbolColor property determines color used to paint the symbol.

sc - symbol color
 o getSymbolSize
  public int getSymbolSize()
Gets the value of the SymbolSize property. The SymbolSize property determines color used to paint the symbol.

symbol size
 o setSymbolSize
  public void setSymbolSize(int sz)
Sets the value of the SymbolSize property. The SymbolSize property determines color used to paint the symbol.

sz - symbol size
 o getSymbolCustomShape
  public JCShape getSymbolCustomShape()
Gets the value of the SymbolCustomShape property. The SymbolCustomShape property contains an object derived from JCShape that is used to draw points. See JCShape for details.

custom shape object
 o setSymbolCustomShape
  public synchronized void setSymbolCustomShape(JCShape cs)
Sets the value of the SymbolCustomShape property. The SymbolCustomShape property contains an object derived from JCShape that is used to draw points. See JCShape for details.

cs - custom shape object
 o getFillStyle
  public JCFillStyle getFillStyle()
Gets the JCFillStyle property, which controls how fills are drawn.

JCFillStyle instance representing the fill drawing style
 o setFillStyle
  public synchronized void setFillStyle(JCFillStyle fs)
Sets the JCFillStyle property, which controls how fills are drawn.

fs - JCFillStyle instance representing the fill drawing style
 o getFillColor
  public Color getFillColor()
Gets the value of the FillColor property. The FillColor property determines the color used to fill regions in chart.

fill color.
 o setFillColor
  public synchronized void setFillColor(Color fc)
Sets the value of the FillColor property. The FillColor property determines the color used to fill regions in chart.

fc - fill color.
 o getFillPattern
  public int getFillPattern()
Gets the value of the FillPattern property. The FillPattern property determines the fill pattern used to fill regions in chart. Note: Since Java does not support patterned fills, this property is not supported.

fill pattern
 o setFillPattern
  public synchronized void setFillPattern(int fp)
Sets the value of the FillPattern property. The FillPattern property determines the fill pattern used to fill regions in chart. Note: Since Java does not support patterned fills, this property is not supported.

fp - fill pattern
 o getFillImage
  public Image getFillImage()
Gets the value of the FillImage property. The FillImage property determines the image used to paint the fill region of bar charts.

fill image.
 o setFillImage
  public synchronized void setFillImage(Image fi)
Sets the value of the FillImage property. The FillImage property determines the image used to paint the fill region of bar charts.

fi - fill image.
 o resetDefaults
  public static void resetDefaults()
Internal method to reset the default color indices for chart style objects.

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