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Class jclass.chart.JCShape


public class JCShape
extends Object
JCShape is an abstract base class used for defining custom point styles in Chart. To create a new shape class, extend JCShape and provide a resize) method. The resize() method must populate the x[] and y[] arrays with point values for the shape to be drawn. The point values are relative to (0,0). Chart will automatically move the shape to the appropriate location.

Variable Index

 o size
Size of the point.
 o x
Array of x values
 o y
Array of y values

Constructor Index

 o JCShape()

Method Index

 o draw(Graphics, int, int)
Draws the point at the specified coordinates
 o resize(int)
Method used for populating the x[] and y[] arrays based on the provided size.


 o size
  protected int size
Size of the point. Used inside resize() to populate x[] and y[]

 o x
  protected int x[]
Array of x values

 o y
  protected int y[]
Array of y values


 o JCShape
  public JCShape()


 o resize
  protected abstract void resize(int sz)
Method used for populating the x[] and y[] arrays based on the provided size.

sz - value to be assigned to size member variable.
 o draw
  public void draw(Graphics gc,
                   int xorg,
                   int yorg)
Draws the point at the specified coordinates

gc - graphics context to use for drawing
xorg - x origin point
yorg - y origin point

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