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Voltage Equation

All parameters for the somatic compartment, with the exception of the adaptation conductance and the coupling conductance between somatic and dendritic compartments, are given by the standard model of Connor et al. (1977). The evolution of the voltage in the somatic compartment is given by the differential equation: 
 \begin{displaymath}\begin{split}C \frac{d V_{\text{soma}} }{dt} = & \bar{g}_{... ...ft( V_{\text{dendrite}} - V_{\text{soma}} \right) \end{split}\end{displaymath}
The peak conductances, measured per membrane area, are
\begin{alignat*}{2}\bar{g}_{\text{Na}} & = 120 \; \text{mS}/\text{cm}^2 \qquad... ...{\bar{g}_{\text{K,A}}} & \phantom{= 47.7 \; \text{mS}/\text{cm}^2}\end{alignat*}
The variable adaptation conductance $g_{\text{adapt}}$ depends on the spiking frequency through a calcium accumulation mechanism, which has been calibrated to yield a mean adaptation conductance of $g_{\text{adapt}} = 34 \; \text{mS}/\text{cm}^2 \, \text{Hz}$.(Further details on the adaptation conductance in the Adaptation subsection.)

The reversal potentials are set to $E_{\text{Na}} = 55$ mV, $E_{\text{K}} = -72$ mV, and $E_{\text{Cl}} = -17$ mV. Since the A-current is a potassium current, the associated reversal potential should be $E_{\text{K}}$. However, Connor et al. (1977) redefined the reversal potential associated with this conductance, setting it to $E_{\text{A}} = -75$ mV.

Martin Stemmler
