Update your OS/2 CD-ROM with fixpaks!

Warpstock Europe 2000 in Karlsruhe
Supporting Warpstock Europe 2000
Working principle
Feature Request
Usefull staff
Future plans

With UpdCD you can incorporate public IBM fixpaks into your installation CD. In this way you will be able to install a Year 2000 complient OS/2 Warp on systems with large hard disks right from this CD. You do not have te reinstall fixpaks after using selective install. Interested? Read on!

Working principle
UpdCD scans the original OS/2 CD-ROM which is copied to your hard disk and updates all the files which are refreshed in the fixpak. Some of the files on the CD can be updated with a simple copy command, but most of them reside in packed (a sort of zip) and zip files and they require some more processing (packing/unpacking). The current version of UpdCD supports updates of single, packed (bundled) or zipped files, which is enough to incorporate base OS/2, Device Driver, Printer, MPTS, TCP/IP, PEER, Netware Requester Fixpaks, updates for Feature Installer, Java and new products like Netscape Communicator and TCP/IP 4.x into the CD.

Updating the Warp 4 CD-ROM with UpdCD is easy!

UpdCD was tested with the different versions of OS/2 Warp 4, Fixpak 12, 13, 14, Device Driver Fixpak 1, 2, Printer Driver Fixpak, MPTS fixpaks (WR*8610, WR*8620, WR*8621), TCP/IP 4.0 fixpak (UN_0980), PEER fixpak, Netware Requester 2.12, FI 1.25, Java 1.1.8, NS 4.61 and TCP/IP 4.x. There is also a preliminary support for incorporating Fixpak 1 and Device Driver Fixpak 2 into the WSeB CD-ROM. The installation CD can be made bootable too. A complete update procedure can be found in the package.

The current version of UpdCD is 1.0. It was released on 10-15-2000. This version supports the update of syslevel files, fixes the PEER installation problem and enables you to include third party products (DANI IDE, FAT32, SDD drivers). You can download it from
this site or from hobbes.

Your feedback is welcome! I would love to hear your success story! :-) If you have a problem with UpdCD please send me ALL the log files created by the package. To help you I have included here some log files created during the testing of UpdCD:

I have included here the directory listing of the fixpak and update directories which were used with the automated update procedure:

If you still want to contact me please zip and attach the log files created by the scripts.

Requested Features

I would like to hear which features you miss from UpdCD. You can also vote on features requested by others:

FeatureNumber of votesResponse
Add ODIN support16 (vote)Accepted, however, installation of WarpIn should be implemented first. Unfortunately, it seems that the installation of WarpIn does not support unattended mode. Will be continued, keep voting. ;-)
Make PM interface for UpdCD15 (vote)There will be a PM interface available which will help you to configure UpdCD, start the build process and view the results. However, do not expect the interface erlier than version 1.2.
Add USB support14 (vote)Integrating Device Driver Fixpak 2 means integrating the files needed for USB support. However, the config.sys should be manually changed after installation to enable it (see the readme of the USB package). I will provide in the near future (version 1.1) a full integration of the USB drivers.
Add support for EMX13 (vote)Will be supported in version 1.1.
Add OpenGL Gold 1.112 (vote)Will be supported in version 1.1. Until then, you might add the updated OpenGL files (WAVE.EXE, RASTER.DLL, OPENGL.DLL, LIBTK.DLL, GLUT.DLL, GLPIPE.DLL) to the Feature Installer files and use an updated postprocessing plug-in.
Add GRADD drivers10 (vote)Under investigation.
Add updated PMFax10 (vote)-
Add Xfree86 support10 (vote)-
Add Java 1.1.x fixes10 (vote)Accepted, will be implemented in version 1.1
Add support for add-on fixes (private IDE driver fixes, etc.)9 (vote)Accepted, will be implemented in version 1.2
Use updated IBM floppies9 (vote)Under investigation.
Add support for X applications5 (vote)-
Replace TrueType DLL with FreeType DLL5 (vote)-
Add support for JFS5 (vote)-
Add NTFS support4 (vote)-
Add support for File Commander4 (vote)-
Add support for Warp 34 (vote)-
Add support for PMMAIL4 (vote)-
Add ext2fs support4 (vote)-
Add HPFS386 support4 (vote)-
Add scrollmouse (AMouse) support3 (vote)-
Add support for SysBar3 (vote)-
Add support for XWorkplaceshell3 (vote)-
Add support for LVM3 (vote)-
Add support for Netscape plug-in pack3 (vote)-
Make Ethernet the default settings for NWREQ2 (vote)-
Reuse PCOM, TN* in TCP32 from TCP162 (vote)-
Add support for SysTree2 (vote)-
Add VoiceType to Aurora and later versions of OS/22 (vote)-
Add support for OpenChat2 (vote)-
Add support for extracting fixpak files from DSK images2 (vote)-
Port UpdCD to Windows/DOS1 (vote)-
Add support for Warp fixpak 91 (vote)-
Add support for UDF file system1 (vote)-
Add Symbios Logic SCSI adapters1 (vote)-
Add support for Warp-In installer1 (vote)-


ReleaseNew functionalityDate
0.1Initial release, updated OS/2 image works with selective install05.13.2000
0.2Added script to create installation floppies, improved OS/2 image creation, it can be used for pristine installation05.21.2000
0.3Added support to incorporate Device Driver FP 1, improved OS/2 image creation (solved REXX problem), improved interface and simplified CD update procedure, improved error logging06.04.2000
0.4Added support to incorporate MPTS fixpaks, improved performance, made language independent06.11.2000
0.5Added support to incorporate TCP/IP and PEER fixpaks, added support to partially update FI database, simplified and more general postprocessing plug-in for OS/2 fixpaks07.24.2000
0.6Added support for FI, Netscape, Java 1.1.x and TCP/IP 4.x, improved update FI database, included automatic update procedure08.16.2000
0.7Added support for Netware Client 2.12, and WSeB FP 1, aligned with Fixpak 14 and Device Driver Fixpak 2, fixed the integration of UN_0980 for non-English Warp09.17.2000
0.8Added support for printer driver fixes, use of virtual floppies supported, fixed problem with Java installation (static target drive), fixed problem with 16-bits MPTS fixpaks (error 1600), installation CD-ROM can be made bootable, many small fixes and improvements10.01.2000
1.0Added support for syslevel update, fixed PEER icon problem, added support for DANI IDE, FAT32, SDD drivers10.15.2000

Useful stuff

Future plans

From talks with people at WarpStock I have understood that some of you find it very difficult to download tons of fixpaks and create an updated CD. Now you can define and order your personal Warp Update Kit!

VersionNew functionalityExpected release date
1.1Support for JAVA 1.1 and TCP/IP 4.x fixes11.15.2000
1.2PM interface12.15.2000

Updated: 11.05.2000, Zsolt Kádár. Notify me if this page changes!

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