
The Story of Y2K To Fail or Not to Fail

What is Y2K? Discussed in the media all over the world, the Year 2000 issue has been made aware to the computerized world slowly but surely. The Year 2000 problem, or Y2K, originated in the 1960s when software developers conserved valuable memory - memory at that time was precious and expensive - by shortening the year date field from four digits to two. For example, the year 1999 is represented digitally as 99. The problem arises when the world's clocks move from December 31, 1999 to January 1, 2000, which many systems may recognize as 1900. Many personal computers, elevators, security systems, telephone switches, automated processes that are based on microprocessors, and computer software may fail.

IBM has addressed the Year 2000 problem and has created awareness for many years. Hardware and software that is capable of functioning beyond the year 2000 is called Year 2000-compliant. OS/2 Warp Server for e-business with all its subcomponents meets all Year 2000 requirements and is fully Year 2000-compliant. To make it safely into the year 2000, make sure the hardware on which the new server operating system is being installed is also year 2000-compliant.

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