4.6.2 Cannot Find DOS and Windows Programs after Installation

4.7 Quick Reference for the Tools Mentioned in This Chapter

This section provides a short description of the function and of the parameters used by some of the tools we have referenced in this chapter. The files are mostly written in REXX (so that you can customize or enhance them) and display a short help text when they are called with an invalid parameter (since a missing parameter is considered invalid, just invoking the program by its name will force the display of this text).

4.7.1 LAN Server Check (LSC)

This program allows the display of the general status of any server on your network.

The syntax for this tool is:

LSC ServerName </STAT>


Represents the Universal Naming Convention (\\servername) name of the machine to be queried or an asterisk (*) may be used to represent the local machine.
Performs the check and provides statistics.

4.7.2 LAN Server Domain Controller Data Base (LSDCDB)

This tool can be used to verify the correctness of the access control profiles that are associated with the Domain Controller Database. It also allows the administrator to fix any incorrect value.

The syntax is:


Represents the UNC name of the PDC/BDC to be queried.
Is a request to fix damaged access control profiles.


Use the /FIX option only to a Primary Domain Controller. Changes made on the PDC are replicated to the BDC. Therefore, it does not make sense to fix the BDC since errors that existed on the PDC will continue to be replicated during normal server operation.

4.7.3 Add a Server to a Domain (AddSrv)

This program will perform for you all the needed steps to declare a new server to your domain. It will declare the required server user ID and add it to the SERVERS group. This is the only requirement when declaring a new server into your domain.

The Syntax is:

AddSrv PDCName ServerName ServerComment


The name of the Primary Domain Controller (without the leading \\)
The name of the server to be added
The comment associated with this server

4.7.4 Resynchronize Passwords (ResyncPW)

When a server has been down for some time or restored from a previous backup, you may receive a NET3062 error message when the SERVER service tries to start. If you then ask to have the explanation of the error (by typing NET ERROR), you are informed that the NETLOGON service could not be started. The reason is that the password used by the server has been changed since the last backup. (Since this process is fully automatic, it is difficult to predict when it occurs). In order to fix this problem, you must extract the password used on one machine and update the one that is stored at the Domain Controller with this value. To accomplish this, the following steps can be performed:

  1. Change the role of the server with the NET3062 error to STANDALONE.
  2. Logon locally on the server as an administrator.
  3. Extract (or change) the password for the server.
  4. Logon on the domain as an administrator.
  5. Change the password of the server to the extracted value.
  6. Change back the server role to what it was before.

Extraction and setting of the passwords can be achieved by using PWDEXP.EXE and PWDIMP.EXE: The data are in hexadecimal format and the values are still encrypted and stay that way during the process.

The RESYNCPW.CMD file does all this asking you only for an administrator ID and password.

If you just installed a new domain, you will have to use the USERID/PASSWORD initial ID and password to log on locally. The program will then ask you for a valid Administrator/Password pair on your domain. As soon as the NETLOGON service will have started, the NET.ACC file of the server will be updated with the definitions valid on the domain, and the USERID/PASSWORD default pair will probably become invalid for this server as a local logon option.

If the server was down for some time, or if you just restarted it after a restore, then the USERID/PASSWORD pair will be invalid, but a previously declared administrator should be accepted for the local logon assuming that the Administrator ID has not had its password changed in the meantime. The domain logon will use the same user ID and password, and you will not be asked to enter this information twice.

This program doesn't require any additional parameters, but it must be run at the failing server (to perform a local logon).

Chapter 5. Unattended CID Migration