3.19 Document Multimedia Device Configuration

3.20 Deactivate Fault Tolerance

If you are running OS/2 LAN Server Fault Tolerance, unmirror and deactivate all those currently mirrored drives on which services will be installed.

In our test environment, we used OS/2 Warp Server's OS/2 base Syslevel 3005 with FixPak 36 and OS/2 Warp Server's LAN Server syslevel 8200 with FixPak 8506.

As you can see in Figure 20, the mirrored Partition G is recognized with FSTYPE 87.

(0) [C:\]fdisk /query

Drive Name  Partition Vtype FStype Status   Start     Size

    1 0000003f     :    1    0a      2          0        7
    1 SOS         C:    1    04      1          7       23
    1 SRV163      D:    2    07      1         31      502
    1 0010ab83    E:    2    06      0        533      102
    1 0013db50     :    2    87      0        635     1513
    2 0000003f     :    1    00      0          0        7
    2 00003f00    F:    2    07      0          7      627
    2 0013db50    G:    2    07      0        635     1513

Figure 20: Disk Setup for Fault Tolerance

You can deactivate Fault Tolerance by executing the following steps:

  1. Start the FTSETUP Program

  2. Under Options, select Deactivate Fault Tolerance...

    A dialog will appear as shown in Figure 21. Choosing DEACTIVATE will perform the following:

  3. The system will need to be restarted.

After the migration has completed, disk mirroring can be re-enabled again.

Figure 21: Unmirroring and Deactivating Fault Tolerance

Chapter 4. Panel-Driven Installation