Guest book for Leif-Erik Larsen

******** Received from Ann Kristin Ekeberg ( - 1996.10.02-23.56.47 ********

Hei pσ deg, hilsen meg!!! Suss ;)

******** Received from Salvador Eduardo TROPEA ( - 1996.10.08-14.23.49 ********

I downloaded your source maper, I'll what this thing works, I'm the author of the editor of the new RHIDE (Beta 6), do you thing that your program could be integrated in the RHIDE?, anyways I must see the output of your program. Thank you.

******** Received from Art Kagel ( - 1996.10.08-14.37.25 ********

******** Received from Roald ( - 1996.10.13-20.57.07 ********

Hei Leif-Erik ! Var inne og sjekka hjemmesiden din. Bra den. Jeg har ogsσ laget hjemmeside, men fikk litt problemer med noen bakgrunnsbilder..... Men jeg skal fikse det senere . Snakkes.

[Home page]

******** Received from Mina Sophie Mjµrum ( - 1996.10.21-14.38.48 ********

Ja, jeg klarte σ fjerne disse 2 linjene, med litt hjelp fra Ann Kristin.Jeg er litt senil (Gaustad neste) OBS Her var det ikke Word-Wrµpp, ╞m ai gudd σr vσtt. Ha det bra, vi mσ pσ lesesalen (blµh) Skal hilse fra Ann Kristin Mina

[Home page][Picture (reference)]

******** Received from Kim Cheung ( - 1996.10.22-12.09.43 ********

OS/2 ISV in the telecommunication industry

[Home page]

******** Received from Kendric Beachey ( - 1996.10.24-22.21.38 ********

Hi...nice to see your interesting apps!

[Home page][Picture (reference)]

******** Received from Per Arne (onkel) ( - 1996.11.11-18.41.04 ********

Hei. Jeg ville bare si at hvis du trykker pσ der det stσr: BIKINI BABES, vil du se masse bikinibabser.sσ det sσ. Litt vel "glatt" hjemmeside, men ellers bra(mσtte selvf°lgelig ha noe med FISKE her ogsσ) vi mailes. Per A.......

[Home page]

******** Received from Erik Larsen ( - 1997.01.19-08.11.47 ********

Just stopped by to say hello to another Larsen

[Home page]

******** Received from Jeff Shultz ( - 1997.01.27-02.31.15 ********

Howdy! Caught the reference to Source Mapper on c.o.o.announce, thought I'd stop by and grab your URL for my homesite. Jeff

[Home page]

******** Received from Panos Platon Tsapralis ( - 1997.01.27-09.47.04 ********

I was a fan of OS/2 once , too , but , due to lack of support by the local IBM office , here in Greece , I abandonned my efforts to use it.

******** Received from William Harvey ( - 1997.01.28-02.34.56 ********

Great home page! Love the animated graphics.

[Home page]

******** Received from Hahn Gerhard (100774,124) - 1997.01.29-18.25.41 ********

Downloaded Source Mapper, seems to be useable for me, maybe I can do a revenge, let us see how good I will learn C for OS/2. TIA and baba from Vienna(Austria)

[Home page]

******** Received from Richard Price ( - 1997.02.03-02.40.44 ********

Hello! Glad to see the source code mapper is free now... Keep up the good work!

******** Received from Fru Langtvedt ( - 1997.02.03-22.46.09 ********

JEG betalte Internet, men fikk jeg bestemme E-mailadr.?! Hvis du vil sende mail til oss, husk at vσr moralske E-maila. er : <>

******** Received from Francisco Javier Nacher Verdeguer ( - 1997.02.04-16.30.18 ********

I think that is very good that people make free software. I like programming and I have made a free program (Scan Shell) which is at hobbes (SSHELL10.ZIP). I am new programming for OS/2 (Could you make me some recommendations,please?). You page is very good. Thanks for your time. I haven't read why you prefer OS/2, but I don't need to do it because I prefer OS/2 too. Now I am saving money to buy OS/2 Warp v4.0 (I have v3.0 and I am a student). See you.

[Home page][Picture (reference)]

******** Received from Vegard ╪ksnevad ( - 1997.02.17-08.37.10 ********

Heisann Leif Erik ! Sjekker ut hjemmesider til CBA ansatte (grei mσte σ starte mandager pσ....) Hσper alt gσr bra hos dere... Vegard

******** Received from Per - 1997.03.04-19.57.02 ********

Fin side!

[Home page]

******** Received from Magne Teien Evensen ( - 1997.03.16-15.49.52 ********

Her var det mye OS2?

******** Received from Helge Sandstσ ( - 1997.03.22-15.10.34 ********

Long live Windows NT And Microsoft,com Kul side du har Leif send Mail!!!

[Home page]

******** Received from Frank Larsen ( - 1997.03.27-20.17.22 ********

Dµven σ rσ hjemmeside du har (var det dette jeg skulle skrive ?) Jeg er nσ i Ski hos deg, er fortsatt edru, noe vi mσ rette pσ fort som faan. Husk at denne prosess er ganske pσtvinget sσ jeg er ikke sσ jµvlig godt forberedt akkurat. Nei dette fσr holde, for nσ er jeg sulten og t°rst. Nusselig hilsen fra din bror Frank.

******** Received from Trym Andreassen ( - 1997.04.04-23.11.58 ********

Heisann Leif-Erik!
Just dropped by to leave a footprint in your guestbook... Keep up the good work and i'll se you at work... #:)

******** Received from Kristjan B. Larsen ( - 1997.07.20-16.55.04 ********

******** Received from Tore Agblad ( - 1997.09.16-16.05.12 ********

Another OS/2 fan in Gothenburg.

******** Received from Erinn Larsen ( - 1997.10.03-06.47.03 ********

Just to say Hi, thought you might be a distant relative.

******** Received from Ivar Bjugn ( - 1997.10.03-14.09.14 ********

Hei Leif Erik, kan du gi telefonnummeret mitt til Jacek 22 31 42 57

******** Received from Jim McKinster ( - 1997.11.17-22.17.00 ********

My first visit to your page - a very short stop - but I will definitly be back. Regards Jim in Mystic CT USA

[Home page]

******** Received from Hans Peter Holm ( - 1997.11.18-23.27.45 ********

Hej Leif-Erik, De bedste hilsener fra Randers, Danmark. Rart at se I bruger OS/2 Warp i Norge ogsσ. Hentede din '', 'trashman', - Og kigger lige pσ den nyeste Black Book. Hans

[Home page][Picture (reference)]

******** Received from Kirby Dunsmore ( - 1997.11.21-08.57.08 ********

Leif-Erik: This is a well-designed and useful home page. Thanks. Kirby

******** Received from Luc Van Bogaert ( - 1997.11.21-23.06.51 ********

Hi Leif-Erik, Nice to see a truly dedicated OS/2 Warp user such as you. I'm enjoying your site and will come back soon to look at the nice freeware utilities you've listed here. I've recently set up a web site dedicated to the Warp user: The Warped Site. Don't be a stranger. CU/2

[Home page][Picture (reference)]

******** Received from Ragnar ( - 1998.02.01-21.11.12 ********

Hello.. Vi kaller det bare grusveien. Hei pσ deg hvordan har du det???. Det er lenge siden sist,ikke sant. Dette mσ gj°res noe med(OKI). Vel, som du sikkert vet sσ har jeg begynt σ jobbe i Halden. Firma heter Hand-El og jobber med systemutvikling innen kraftb°rs. Jeg har en e-Mail adresse pσ jobben som du kan fσ kontakt med meg: skriv snart (OKI)... :))) Hi Ra

[Home page][Picture (reference)]

******** Received from Frank Larsen - 1998.02.06-10.56.48 ********

******** Received from Frank Larsen ( - 1998.02.06-11.01.53 ********

Hallo broder`n, rσ side du har da (eller sider), men hvorfor lar du alle programmene dine gσ gratis da ?, her kunne du jo ha tent MILIONER, ja kanskje MILIARDER av kroner ! Jeg kan desverre ikke hente noe av det du har lagt ut her, for det er ikke noe som heter OS/2 pσ dette bruket ! Nei vi fσr pratas snart !!

******** Received from Wes Perkhiser ( - 1998.02.20-03.54.19 ********

Pretty good resource for OS/2. Thanks.

******** Received from Leif Stainsby ( - 1998.03.18-19.32.05 ********

I like your name ;-), in fact, I have an older brother named Erik too! I was just looking at your Source Mapper. There aren't many shareware tools like this that I have found. Thanks for writing it -- and for making it freeware! Best regards, ...Leif

[Home page][Picture (reference)]

******** Received from Magne T. Evensen ( - 1998.03.25-11.09.11 ********

Still an OS/2 fan, eh?

******** Received from Keith Casperson ( - 1998.05.22-13.48.24 ********

Hi, I am the Secretary of an OS/2 user group in Adelaide, South Australia. I came across your page while looking for shareware. My parents were Norwegian and I am a first generation Canadian who has migrated to Australia. Nice home page. Hilsen fra Australia Keith

******** Received from Tjalco P. van der Mey ( - 1998.07.19-16.20.55 ********

HelloLeif-Eric, It is nice to see there is still some life left in our OS/2. I am especially pleased to see that there are still new programs being developded. I am looking forward to see the first beta some day of your Larsen Commmander. Regards, Tjalco

******** Received from Eric Wasgatt ( - 1998.09.22-12.52.58 ********

What an excellent home page! It is a very useful resource, and well categorized as well. Thank you as well for the great software contributions you've made.

******** Received from Tadashi Ohmura ( - 1998.09.22-14.21.49 ********

I have been developing a CAD/CAM system on OS/2 since 1990. The name of this software is StellaVision. My company StellaCorporation become a business partner of Barco in Belgium in this summer.

******** Received from Richard Hevron ( - 1998.09.22-16.23.13 ********

I'm a former employee of Microsoft who enjoys using OS/2 Warp very much. It's nice finding your web site and good luck with Larsen Commander. By the way, I live across Lake Washington, near Seattle, and there are many, many Norwegians here. Lots of Larsens, Helgesons and others. All the best,

******** Received from Chuck Russell ( - 1998.09.22-16.26.57 ********

I like your Commander. In fact, I was probably one of the 10 or 15 people who bought the Norton Commander for OS/2 when it came out in '93. I drifted away from it because it was so frustrating to select a drive if there are 6 or 7 dirves available. I still use it once in a while for the excellent "directory compare" feature. I wish you well with it!

******** Received from Pete Christensen ( - 1998.09.22-18.42.10 ********

Your file program looks very interesting. Are you going to use the Shareware as the means of distribution?

******** Received from Dave Hicks ( - 1998.09.22-19.33.33 ********

Leif-Erik, I saw your announcement on WarpCast and decided to drop in. Your Commander screen shots look excellent. I'm glad you're "somewhat dedicated" to OS/2 :-) ! David

******** Received from Michael Rowley ( - 1998.09.23-00.10.36 ********

I really am impressed by your screen shots of Larson Commander. I look forward to the release of this shareware. :) Please do not release my email address to any lists. Michael.

******** Received from Edward G. Howard ( - 1998.09.23-00.21.52 ********

Good on you. I use a dual boot system, with OS/2 Warp4 for all internet, accounts, faxes etc. I only use 95 for cad and scanning. I have visited Oslo in the past and enjoyed your country I live in Australia. Best wishes Edward

******** Received from RAY DAVISON ( - 1998.09.23-22.38.11 ********

I am interested in your Commander. I am a long time user of Norton Commander for DOS and OS/2. I use the DOS version under OS/2 and W95. I would be willing to test for you.

******** Received from Ihsan Dogan ( - 1998.09.23-22.57.30 ********

visit my Anti-M$ Site...

[Home page][Picture (reference)]

******** Received from rolf-thore johansen ( - 1998.09.24-17.19.13 ********

siden du jobber med bankapplikasjoner og os/2, hvorfor er det ingen som utvikler kommunikasjonsprogrammer for betalingssystemer og knytning til °konomisystemer ? vi kj°rer warp/warpserver og concorde/notes, og har nylig inngσtt avtale med gjensidige om g-link. har du noe tips ??

******** Received from T.J.Steen ( - 1998.11.09-07.54.52 ********

Nice to see a new OS/2 program, well done homepage.

[Home page]

******** Received from Michael Friess ( - 1998.11.12-10.06.46 ********

******** Received from Jack Vaughn ( - 1998.11.16-02.44.42 ********

Nice program. I always preferred Norton Commander for DOS.

******** Received from Ramil Menzeleev ( - 1998.11.16-03.49.22 ********

Looks GREAT! Only one important thing is missed- Zip support like in file commander/2. I beliave the support for zip archives will make your programm the "Number 1 File Manager" for OS/2. So, I am looking forward for this feature before I consider to replace FC/2 to Larsen Commander. Thank you for your work!!!

******** Received from Deepak Datta ( - 1998.11.16-04.48.29 ********

******** Received from Rolly Green ( - 1998.11.16-05.37.15 ********

Hi to All, I'm an old codger, but I do enjoy OS/2. Only system to use, actually.

******** Received from John Driver ( - 1998.11.16-17.13.08 ********

Hi Leif Erik! Nice project, nice home page.

******** Received from Craig Frankson ( - 1998.11.17-03.56.42 ********

Looks great so far!

******** Received from Luc Van Bogaert ( - 1998.11.18-01.49.06 ********

Thanks for supporting OS/2! Keep up the good work with The Larsen Commander.

[Home page][Picture (reference)]

******** Received from Jack Sjolseth ( - 1998.11.18-07.12.21 ********

Have been using OS/2 since Release 1.0. Currently supporting an account with 20,000 workstations and 1,200 servers, all running OS/2. And both of these numbers will be growing significantly in the next 12 months.

******** Received from Ray davison ( - 1998.11.18-23.43.27 ********

I have been using NC for DOS for about ten yrs. I also have NC OS/2. I use DOS version under OS/2 at least as much as the OS/2 Version. Thank you for the new implementation.

******** Received from Jon Le Mon ( - 1998.11.23-21.55.23 ********

Kia Ora Leif-Erik, (this is a Maori greeting) Your File Manager looks just like something I've been waiting for. I will download a copy and try it. I have been using OS2 since Warp 3 and am absolutely engrossed in it's power and flexibility but have not as yet found a "file manager" I'm happy with. Fingers crossed! Cheers and good luck Jon :-)

******** Received from Gordon Barnard ( - 1998.11.29-23.57.57 ********

Nice job so far - keep up the good work! I haven't used the program a lot so far, but what I've seen looks good.

******** Received from Derek Jones ( - 1998.11.30-01.06.11 ********

Keep up the good work?

[Picture (reference)]

******** Received from Tim Rosnau ( - 1998.11.30-09.04.30 ********

I'm a long time OS/2 user who appreciates the work you're doing with the Larsen Commander. It's coming along nicely, and already it's one of best file managers I've seen.

******** Received from Terry C. Truskett ( - 1998.11.30-19.31.52 ********

Good product. Best of luck on it's success.

******** Received from Mark Nixon ( - 1998.11.30-23.13.06 ********

Nσ, nu skal jeg pr°ve dit program. Du h°rer fra mig! Med venlig hilsen

******** Received from Don Hindenach ( - 1998.12.01-05.54.10 ********


******** Received from Douglas Gillies ( - 1998.12.01-18.10.06 ********

I have been trying your program and enjoying it. It's quite good to use once you get used to the way it works. Keep up the good work

******** Received from Brian Zubak ( - 1998.12.02-00.16.57 ********

Good programming and God bless... bz

******** Received from Mario Palmitesta ( - 1998.12.02-04.02.52 ********

Great looking software!

[Home page]

******** Received from John Griffin ( - 1998.12.03-01.49.25 ********

'Larsen Commander' looks great! I suspect it will become my default file manager.

******** Received from Emil Schweickerdt ( - 1998.12.04-19.09.07 ********

Thank you for developing for OS/2. I'll try out your commander and give some feedback (if any). May the Force be with you always Emil

******** Received from Ronald J. Ross ( - 1998.12.14-07.36.00 ********

I have been using the Larsen Cmdr. betas the last month or so, and I am very impressed. It has now become an indispensable tool. Keep up the great work!!

******** Received from Jan Klene ( - 1998.12.14-13.44.47 ********

I just downloaded How your larsen commander works is of coarse not known, but your homepage is first class! CU, jan

******** Received from Ron Broyles ( - 1998.12.15-06.57.42 ********

Hi There; I'm just about to download Larsen Commander and thought I'd sign your guest book. Good Luck!

******** Received from Emil Schweickerdt ( - 1998.12.15-19.37.32 ********

Greetings Leifel Just dropping by to try out the newest Commander. Tx for supporting OS2 Cheers Emil

******** Received from Steve Dunning ( - 1998.12.20-00.50.51 ********

Keep up the OS/2 work!!!

******** Received from Mike Roark ( - 1998.12.21-17.43.05 ********

Hello Leif-Erik, It is a pleasure to find Larsen Commander. I have been looking for something like this for a long time. I've tried most of the others, and none of them seem to work like 'good old Norton'... If you ned another tester, I would be happy to help. I am running Warp 4 FP #9 on a Tyan Trinty MB with an AMD K6-2/266 with 96meg and about 9 gig of hard drive space. I have something like 6000+ files available for download. Now for the rest of the news.. I will be coming up to Oslo, (well actually Asker) next week. My son lives there with his wife. No, we aren't from Norway. We are Americans.. He met his wife in Colorado at college. Perhaps there would be a chance to meet sometime during the week. Hope to hear from you.. Mike

******** Received from J.H.Meijer ( - 1998.12.31-15.01.09 ********

I will try this beta version on my OS/2 but I look forward to see the OS/2 and Window95 release.....I have now 2 filemanagers but I like to use only 1.(yours).

******** Received from Robert Blackwell ( - 1999.01.02-13.38.31 ********

Thank you for your program. I will give it a try. Bob

******** Received from velvet belly ( - 1999.01.17-20.56.57 ********

thank you for writing some very encouraging words in our guestbook! Take care. Anne Marie, Velvet Belly.

[Home page]

******** Received from Dan R ( - 1999.01.19-03.26.33 ********

Thank you and good luck in all your work !

******** Received from Wim Wauters ( - 1999.01.28-17.52.41 ********

Using Larsen Commander 0.94 : YES ! MORE ! Can finally replace Norton Commander 4 !

******** Received from Zephyr Q ( - 1999.01.31-22.15.10 ********

Just a quick note...I have enjoyed the past few releases of LC, and am waiting on a finished product-- I've been wating for a decent file manager since Directory Master hasn't been updated in years... ...but also a little whine: almost everything I run (save the OS and a couple *major* apps) is freeware... I don't suppose you could keep the cost down a bit on LC... please....? Thanx.

******** Received from Jack Vaughn ( - 1999.02.01-03.09.37 ********

[Home page]

******** Received from John Drabik ( - 1999.02.01-06.08.00 ********

I downloaded an earlier copy of Larsen Commander, and while I usually work from the command line, I found your program to be useful and interesting. Thanks for your efforts, and keep up the good work. John

******** Received from David R. Graham ( - 1999.02.01-06.10.21 ********

Nicely (cleanly) designed page means program must be honest and working. Thanks for the opportunity and for your support of OS/2. David

[Home page]

******** Received from James A. de Haseth ( - 1999.02.01-14.25.22 ********

There is a picture there, but it's not a very good one. The url isn't easily used, as it's in a protected area, a cgi script produces the page and puts the picture on it.

[Home page]

******** Received from J°rgen ╪stensen ( - 1999.02.01-17.12.09 ********

Hei ! Lastet ned og pr°vde Lcmd. Veldig bra uten σ ta for mye plass ! Hilsen J°rgen.

******** Received from Bill Greuling ( - 1999.02.01-17.47.07 ********

I like what you've done with the Commander, and am looking forward to trying out the new release!

******** Received from Ron Ross ( - 1999.02.02-05.41.59 ********

New email address. Keep up the great work!!

******** Received from Jabel D. Morales ( - 1999.02.06-02.36.55 ********

Just dropped here to check Larsen Commander. Lets see how it works :)

******** Received from Inger Lise & Ingar Ekeberg - 1999.02.07-15.21.20 ********

******** Received from Inger Lise & Ingar Ekeberg ( - 1999.02.07-15.33.04 ********

Imponerende sider - vi har lagt dette til pσ vσres favoritter - vi sender egen mail til dere. Med vennlig hilsen fra Sandefjord.

******** Received from Keith Nash ( - 1999.02.14-18.21.39 ********

******** Received from Stefano ( - 1999.03.29-09.38.15 ********

Good work !

[Home page]

******** Received from Frank Tore Iversen m/fam. ( - 1999.04.09-21.08.22 ********

Hei sveis! Kul hjemmeside! Hσper du fσr noen feite sj°°retter i sommer! Hilsen Frank, Nina og Ida.

******** Received from Magne Teien Evensen ( - 1999.04.17-15.44.48 ********

Nσr kommer windows versjonen av Larsen commander?

******** Received from Tom Principaal ( - 1999.04.19-21.51.28 ********

Leif-Erik, Great program. I gonna prefer it over MrFilePM when it is finished. Cheers Tom

******** Received from Sergey Posokhov ( - 1999.04.24-10.52.31 ********

First: I will support your Commander in the next version of Nice OS/2 Enhancer. It will launch the LC/2 from the desktop and window list by hot-key, and I will test the next version of Enhancer with your Commander. Second: Please, upload the Commander on Hobbes! I cannot find the LC/2 on it (I typed "LC/2" and "Larsen" words).

[Home page]

******** Received from John Dancke ( - 1999.05.02-18.48.08 ********

Jeg er meget imponert over Larsen Commander.

******** Received from Don Hindenach ( - 1999.05.05-03.48.03 ********

Playing with it. Thanks!

******** Received from Doug Darrow ( - 1999.05.05-05.42.35 ********

No real message, just a "Hello". And, you're "Commander" is shaping up nicely. Keep up the good work. BTW, may I link your site to my home page? Thanx

[Home page]

******** Received from Ake Holmgard ( - 1999.05.05-06.40.28 ********

I am very interested in your programming for OS/2. Please let me know about your software ! Ake

******** Received from Stefano Tagliaferri ( - 1999.05.05-21.30.58 ********

Hy Erik Larsen Commander is simply great! Bye :)

[Home page]

******** Received from T.P. van der Mey ( - 1999.05.08-08.56.03 ********

Dear Leif-Eric, Please continue with your work on th Larsen Commander, from what I have seen sofar it will become the best file commander for OS/2. Regards, Tjalco P. van der Mey

******** Received from Alan Thibideau ( - 1999.05.08-20.41.13 ********

I'm going to try out Larsen Commander, which looks great. Thanks and keep up the good work on OS2 products. Al

******** Received from Heinz Deuble ( - 1999.05.10-23.00.54 ********

Hello Leif-Erik, I'm a german user of Os/2 and I'm share your opinion NOT to be a lamb an use Windows as most people in the world. And now I will take a look at your latest version of Larson Commander. greetings Heinz

******** Received from Richard P.J. Huijing ( - 1999.05.12-15.14.03 ********

As a very long in the tooth NC3 devotee I look forward to taking a look at your Commander. Let me know if I can help with the development in some way. Regards, Richard -- IBM OS/2 Ambassador IT2 Systems Consultants Ltd

[Home page]

******** Received from Emil Schweickerdt ( - 1999.05.15-16.15.22 ********

Leifel Thank you for developing for OS/2. Greetings from an OS/2 fan in South Africa Emil

[Home page]

******** Received from Eiji Chino ( - 1999.05.25-16.55.08 ********

Hi,and thank you for your a nice program "Larsen Commander". I always use LCMD ver 0.97. In Japan, few people know about OS/2,but I like it because OS/2 have a good useablity and many nice programs like NPSWPS,PMView,Xit,XFolder and LCMD so on. Thank you ! --------------------------- Eiji Chino from Nagano, Japan

******** Received from Charles McColm ( - 1999.06.13-20.10.47 ********

Larsen Commander for OS/2 looks great! Please keep up the great work!

[Home page]

******** Received from Javier Perez Montes ( - 1999.06.28-21.10.13 ********

Your Larsen Commander is very fine! Thanks.

******** Received from Cheeven Tsai ( - 1999.07.14-03.38.24 ********

I think LCMD is really a great file manager for me... Hope you will build more great program for all the OS/2ers...

******** Received from Konstantin Kozlov ( - 1999.07.14-05.49.41 ********

I'm an OS/2 developer from Russia. The only reason I'm here is that THE LARSEN COMMANDER IS ABOUT TO BE WORLD BEST FILE BROWSER!!! I LOVE IT!!! BTW, What about removing Win32 support from to-do list?

******** Received from Robert Hieger ( - 1999.07.15-03.55.42 ********

Dear Leif-Erik Larsen, I have heard numerous times about Larsen Commander, but never took the time to visit your site until now. I have just finished downloading Beta v0.98 and look forward to trying it out. I am gratified to see that there are people such as you still loyally devoting time to development of native OS/2 applications. As far as I'm concerned, you are the only hope that this superior operating system will survive the market glut of Microsoft. Thanks again. Sincerely, Robert Hieger

******** Received from mike russon ( - 1999.07.15-05.08.19 ********

Just a quick note to say thank you for the continued developement of native os/2 products. I will be happy to pay for a copy of the program after it's released as shareware. Thanks again.

[Home page]

******** Received from Vic Green ( - 1999.07.17-06.06.23 ********

******** Received from Mark D Haberfeld ( - 1999.07.29-23.05.33 ********

Just want to say hello and thanks.

******** Received from Larry Nomer ( - 1999.07.30-15.48.22 ********

It is great to see people still developing nice tools for OS/2. Thanks!

******** Received from Norman Henry Schmidt ( - 1999.08.06-17.41.43 ********

I have used OS/2 since around 1992 (version 2.1). I just ordered Warp 4 from Indelible Blue. I also signed up for their WarpUp service which promises to update the OS and other installed software automatically from a CD-ROM issued four times a year. I'm anxious to see if it works.

******** Received from John Bijnens ( - 1999.08.10-11.57.33 ********

Thank you for developping software for OS/2. About the lambs and the goats : great attitude and personality :) I came across your software while reading OS/2 focus.

******** Received from Gerd Reichardt ( - 1999.09.01-23.09.45 ********

Hi, Leif-Erik, I'm just a guest. I've just downloaded your Commander and want to see now, how it works. Good greetings from Berlin Gerd

******** Received from Marc Senn ( - 1999.09.03-10.07.53 ********

Hallo Ein Super Programm hast du Geschrieben mach weiter so. Bin nur(und alles mit Unix zu tun hat)OS/2 Fan(Leider giebt es noch Windoof) Mein PC ist Allergisch auf Windows stⁿrtzt immer ab wenn ich Windoof Installieren muss. bye Marc

******** Received from Ruediger Wenzel ( - 1999.10.16-15.28.05 ********

Hej, Leif, venlig hilsen fra Luebeck i Tyskland. Jeg har kastet et f÷rtse blik paa LC i version .9 og er spaendt paa, hvad du har tilfoejet og forbedret. Agter du at fortsaette udviklingen frem til final-release, selvom IBN jo desvaerre har besluttet ikke at udgive en aegte ny workstation-version af OS/2 Warp paa grundlag af Aurora? Eller spekulerer du over at portere LS til Linux? Venlig hilsen Ruediger QWenzel

******** Received from John Rapp ( - 1999.11.02-00.29.09 ********

Hi, I'm an FM2 user but starting to use Larsen Commander. Nice Program, Good luck, JR

******** Received from Richard H. Cark, Jr. ( - 1999.11.03-04.49.01 ********

******** Received from David Hutton-Squire ( - 1999.11.03-11.39.21 ********

Thanks for letting us try Larsen Cmdr ... very promising. Can you please confirm it supports & has been tested with network drives? I am building a LAN and am still having stability problems with it, so I am not sure if my problems are with the LAN or with LArsen Cmdr. Regards, David H-S

******** Received from Huib Huijnen ( - 1999.11.03-21.41.56 ********

My son is using your commander: he likes it because it is easy to use. Where do you find the time for making such things? I hardly have any! Greetings, H. Huijnen.

******** Received from Vic Green ( - 1999.11.05-16.31.31 ********

LC looks good, so far.But I am anxiously awwaiting the ability to read text files with a click of the mouse button. I have an old dos program,File Director, that has that ability nd I miss it in all the file managers for OS2 so far. It isalso the father of Norton's File Commander, as it was a product of Fifth Dimention Systems, which was purchased by Symantic years ago, after they aquired Norton.

******** Received from Fritz Sparig ( - 1999.11.05-20.46.37 ********

******** Received from ½J╕f▒÷ / Yourman Hou ( - 1999.11.20-03.11.30 ********

I like Larsen Commander very much. :-)

******** Received from mike russon ( - 1999.11.23-01.50.22 ********

Just a quick note to say "awsome" with the work on larsen commander. I am very pleased to see work continue and i use the beta daily at home and work. I am no programmer, but i can see the huge effort that has gone into the product and i offer huge support for it's continued success. Thanks again for the chance to reply and for a great product.

******** Received from Leif-Erik Larsen ( - 1999.12.01-01.14.49 ********

Just another test. ;-)

[Home page][Picture (reference)]

******** Received from Delfi Reinoso ( - 1999.12.01-02.01.11 ********

Larsen commander has grown throgh the beta cycle to a nice and very stable product. Good work is done and its itself a promise of future enhancements.

******** Received from Alan Townsend ( - 1999.12.02-07.08.06 ********

Looks like a good product, will try it for a while. All the betas never caused me any problems as far as I used them ( not much ,but just keep with what you were doing. Keep up the good work Regards AL

[Home page]

******** Received from Dave Cull ( - 1999.12.02-08.19.35 ********

Excellent program Thanks for the effort you put into it!

[Home page]

******** Received from Jannik Graversen ( - 1999.12.02-09.27.28 ********

Hi Larsen This is my first time at your site, but I have heart of Larsen Commander and I am very excited to start trying and use it. And thanks for keepon supporting the OS/2 community with excellent software. Jannik

[Home page]

******** Received from Jannik Graversen ( - 1999.12.02-09.27.37 ********

Hi Larsen This is my first time at your site, but I have heart of Larsen Commander and I am very excited to start trying and use it. And thanks for keepon supporting the OS/2 community with excellent software. Jannik

[Home page]

******** Received from Jiri ( - 1999.12.02-19.21.14 ********

Hi Leif!
Thank you for your commander. Its great piece of software! You are doing great job for the OS/2 users. Hold on!

******** Received from Emmett Culley ( - 1999.12.02-19.34.26 ********

I tried a couple of the betas and I am looking forward to seeing how the final product works.

[Home page]

******** Received from Tony Pater ( - 1999.12.03-00.43.55 ********

Tried your beta Lars ...... pleasantly surprised as I've always used F-cmdr or Os2Cmdr, both fast non-pm progs. What wasn't/isn't readily apparent, but indispensable is the ability to invoke external programmes based on the extensions ? Eg.... for HTML extension I use Hyperview to strip out html code, but for extension 'HTM' I use a veiwer which retains the html code (because of tables). Similarly, files with the extension 'PDF' need to point to the Acrobat file reader. It would have helped me if an example script/rc file was provided as default, so that user could see/amend this critical requirement. Is there a method to zip/unzip/rar, etc files from within Larson Cmdr simply by tagging the relevant files and pressing /using a function key ? Thanks a lot for this proggy, if I can address these issues and explore its power it definitely is worth pursuing/using and registering. Much appreciated Tony

******** Received from Keith Olsen ( - 1999.12.03-03.44.31 ********

Larson Commander is a fantastic software product. Great job!

******** Received from Peter Vereshagin ( - 1999.12.03-11.15.59 ********

I see no mention about whether your really helpful Commander is freeware or shareware. But I downloaded it, thanks. I also see no alternative text in the pictures' fields:( I was forced to download your nice pictures also. It doesn't matter for me, but for my collegues in Russia do;-)

[Home page][Picture (reference)]

******** Received from B°rre ( - 1999.12.03-16.36.26 ********

Hei Larsen, benyttet anledningen og stakk en tur innom. Du fσr se og fσ sving pσ Larsen Commandor for resten av "verden" ogsσ!!

******** Received from Alexander Newman ( - 1999.12.03-22.59.10 ********

Great to see Sysiphus toiling away! I laughed a lot! Alex.

******** Received from Jan van Bergen ( - 1999.12.04-16.30.28 ********

Hai, I like your homepage and I've got great respect for your programming efforts. It's the first time I see your work. For some time I haven't been able to use OS/2. I will install it again and try your Larsen Commander. (Always considered the Norton Commander the ultimate productive utility). Besides, I can get so very pissed off about the fact that IBM lets just slip away years of development opportunity for OS/2. I think the role that BeOS is trying to play, based, among others, on it's multithreading capabilities, could've been played by OS/2! They should give away development tools for free. They could also make OSS/2 more user friendly for people who are not very aware of the technical whereabouts. One last remark about Larsen Commander. There are and have been various look-alikes of Norton Commander. At this moment, I'm using WinCommander by Christian Ghisler, brilliant. Is it wise to collaborate so the OS/2 and Windows versions have identical interfaces and possibilities (like FTP and Zip)? I will try Larsen Commander and register if I like it. Succes! Jan van Bergen.

******** Received from Douglas Munson ( - 1999.12.05-09.24.31 ********

******** Received from Odd Tuftin ( - 1999.12.06-08.15.37 ********

Bra greier dette her. Nσ venter vi pσ LC i Bill's innpakningspapir. ;-)

******** Received from Michael A Rowley ( - 1999.12.06-22.17.08 ********

******** Received from Jan Magne Landsvik ( - 1999.12.07-23.20.19 ********

Hei, Har skult over pσ dine kanter f°r. Takker for mail, og skal nσ til og pr°ve godsakene. Jan Magne

******** Received from Sten Solberg ( - 1999.12.15-04.58.48 ********

Hei! Artig σ se at ogsσ nordmenn programmerer for OS/2. Selv bruker jeg forl°pig Alexander Wilkens DirMaster, men snuser stadig pσ nye versjoner av ditt program.. Noe jeg liker i DirMaster er at jeg kan ha et panel med (svµrt mange) "applikasjonsknapper" synlig i programmet og dermed starte dem med et enkelt museklikk. Kan det gj°res like enkelt i Larsens Commander? Beste hilsen Sten Solberg

******** Received from Ingar Ekeberg ( - 1999.12.21-17.48.54 ********

Det er stil over dette - sees om noen dager.

******** Received from Frank Larsen ( - 1999.12.27-08.06.44 ********

Hallσ broder, takker for i σr og hσper vi fσr et enda bedre σr 2000. Jeg s°kte pσ Larsen Commander pσ Yahoo, og jeg fant en del skrytelinker, til og med pσ spansk, kuult. Du fσr hilse til ANKA og F╞VLANE. MVH Frank

******** Received from Ulf BartholomΣus ( - 2000.01.18-22.53.06 ********

Hallo Leif-Erik, I use your beta and your final version, it's great. I would register it in the next day's. With many greatings ;-) Ciao/2 Ulf

[Home page]

******** Received from Lel ( - 2000.01.19-13.15.01 ********

Just another test.

******** Received from Kim Haverblad ( - 2000.01.24-13.06.27 ********

Hi Leif, during the last couple of years I've using Alexander Wilkens DirMaster. And would still use it if it wasn't for the slow development of the apps. And DM still doesn't support partition larger than 4GB, so that's a major problem as well. So LCM would be a nice alternativ. But would still miss the customized buttons that are available in DM. If you're able to pull that one of and add thoose functions, LCM would be a winner. Also customized window menus would be great. Look back on the old Director Opus for the Amiga, still tool was best disk util that I ever been using. I would also guess that Alexander looked a bit on DOpus when coding DM. Keep up the great work! Best Regards, Kim Haverblad

[Home page]

******** Received from Mel Strom ( - 2000.02.01-10.08.16 ********

Fantastic tool; very rich, clear; always know where I am. The best file manager I've used for moving files around. I only go back to DiskJockey to use its zip and unzip features Is there (will there be?) Zip/Unzip utility built into Larsen?

[Home page]

******** Received from Daniel Goggia ( - 2000.02.08-12.13.15 ********

Hi Leif-Erik, My name is Daniel or Danny=G. I am the creator of the QikBac & QikView Utilities for OS/2. A member of Team OS/2 and the POSSI group, thus I am the editor of the Team Brief. The Team Brief is a OS/2 news letter for Team OS/2 and the OS/2 community. My visit here is because a person has sent a review of your program Larson Commander. This review will be included in the first Team Brief of this new millennium 2000. It looks like a very good review. When a person in the OS/2 community sends in a review or thoughs on a program they like or dislike, I as the editor do a quick check also. Thank you for supporting the OS/2 platform. The review of your program in the Team Brief can be found on most all OS/2 sites such as Hobbs, Peter Norloffs OS/2 BBS, and any mirror of hobbs. If at any time you or others in your OS/2 community, wish to contribute any thoughts or reviews to the Team Brief, please send it for publication. Best regards, Daniel Goggia editor of the Team Brief, creator of the Qik Utilities line for OS/2. Member of Team OS/2 and POSSI

******** Received from Werner Vogel ( - 2000.02.13-14.20.14 ********

Thank you very much for your interesting utility, the LarsenCommander, for OS/2 Good bye, Werner

******** Received from Javier Perez ( - 2000.02.14-16.33.08 ********

Fast, fast, fast... Great utility!

******** Received from Sergey Posokhov ( - 2000.03.06-17.20.15 ********

Hello, Leif-Erik! We are mounting a division on the russian OS/2 site "", the topic of it is useful OS/2 utilites. We are described your Commander in russian and attached the screen-shot :-) Thank you!

[Home page]

******** Received from Bent Nielsen ( - 2000.03.12-21.15.55 ********

Kom forbi, da en spurge om jeg kente et program med pakker til OS/2 og Windows 32xx

[Home page]

******** Received from Vic Green ( - 2000.03.23-03.38.27 ********

I like Larsen Commander very much, having used it for some months now. I am still dragging my feet on purchasing it, because having become used to Disk Jockey, in which can click on a zipped file and see the contents, and also, read any read me text files within the zip. I miss this very much, and would gladly pay for LC and delete DJ, if LC had this feature. Thank you

******** Received from Shafik Mahomad ( - 2000.04.02-15.13.17 ********

Hi ! I've tried to integrate your app (A mighty fine app) in my work-habits twice now, but somehow it failed. I think there's something inhibitting that adoption process, and if it happened to me, might be happening to a lot of people. Write me a mail, we can discuss what that might be.. :-) Great work though, and I would like to make heavy use of Larsen Commander...

******** Received from MIKE RUSSON ( - 2000.04.11-22.15.02 ********

larsen commander is great. Thank you for your continued efforts.

******** Received from Henk Pol ( - 2000.04.12-22.22.14 ********

Hi Leif-Erik, I like the look and feeling of LC/2... But missing too much to use it allways... Missing urgent for internal viewer/editor and the reading of several types of archiving...

******** Received from Arnold van Overeem ( - 2000.04.13-00.18.05 ********

Hello Leif-Erik, As an IT-professional for many years, I have seen a lot of software for a lot of platforms. Two decades ago I have been developing software myself at IBM (mainframe environment). From experience I may say that I know the difference between quality software and crap. Therefore it is no coincidence that I chose OS/2 Warp as my private platform (I don't have the power to convince my employer that they are waisting money at a tremendous rate by using inferior software themselves). As you certainly will have noticed, even the OS/2 platform is not perfect (though way ahead of MS-bloatware). Even compared to the OS/2 standard you produced an excellent product, which is worth everyone of those $ 39 you ask for it. Thank you, and please continue ...

[Home page]

******** Received from Richard C. Anderson ( - 2000.04.18-01.32.18 ********

[Home page]

******** Received from Steven Dunning ( - 2000.04.29-08.31.18 ********

Keep up the great work with Larsen Commander!!!

[Home page]

******** Received from Emil Schweickerdt ( - 2000.04.30-20.28.57 ********

Hi there. Just downloaded the latest version of Larsen Commander to try it out, seems great. Cheers Emil

[Home page]

******** Received from Zßmb≤ Gßbor ( - 2000.05.11-10.28.22 ********

The Fish on the page is marvelleous. The hyperlinks are easy to followed congratulations

******** Received from David J Burtness ( - 2000.05.15-16.50.01 ********

******** Received from Andrew Stephenson ( - 2000.05.16-03.57.24 ********

Hi. Thanks for Source Mapper. Sorry that I can't write something profund, with funny accents all over it .

******** Received from Chris ( - 2000.05.17-23.16.00 ********

Keep supporting Warp... good job

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