My name is Leif-Erik Larsen and I was born May 7th 1971 in Sandefjord in Norway. I am working for CBA in Oslo, as a software developer. We make modern banking applications for a lot of banks around the world. In my spare time I am usually either programming, writing, cruising the Internet, tying flies, photographing, reading, excercising, touring, fly-fishing or playing with my pets (two birds, one Blue Cheek Conure and one Cockatiel), either alone, together with my live-in girlfriend, Ann Kristin Ekeberg, or some of my friends.

Updated May 14, 2000
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Software Projects
Here you have a list of some of the computer programs that I am, or have been, involved in developing and written.

  1. Larsen Commander(for OS/2 Warp)

  2. This is an ongoing development project of mine. Larsen Commander is a powerful GUI File Manager and Command Processor that has a look and feel like the classic Norton Commander. The most notable difference is that the Larsen Commander is pure GUI but still has a built in command line and a scrollable console monitor.

  3. Larsen Source Mapper Free! Updated! (For Windows 95/98/NT/2000, OS/2 Warp and DOS)

  4. With SM you can make a human readable map of your C source codes. You can generate a map of a single source file, or you can have SM generate a map of a huge project that consists of many source files.

  5. Larsen Lines Free!(for OS/2 Warp)

  6. A silly PM program that I use to demonstrate multitasking in OS/2 Warp.

  7. IBAS
    IBAS is an abbreviation for International Banking Automation System which is what we are developing at CBA in Norway. IBAS is, and has always been, completely platform independent. Our programs compiles to (and runs as) platform independent virtual machine code in the same manner as for Java. At the time being we are actually implementing the Next Generation IBAS in pure Java.

  8. ArtsView 2000
    A multitasking operating system running pseudo byte-code (almost as a Java virtual machine) programs for GUI and text mode. This project was the one I've learned the most of my programming knowledge from, back in 1992-94. We were two persons on this - My uncle, Hein-Ivan Mikkelsen, and me. In fact I am quite proud about this one, even if the consept went somewhat dead before it went useful. The whole project was written in GNU C for DOS (DJGPP). The kernel virtual machine ran as true machine code, while all the programs ran as emulated i80486 based assembler code as was compiled by the GNU C compiler.

  9. FMS-Base
    A Windows 3.1 based Flight Management System Database developed in 1994. This project was written in C++, using the native API of Windows 3.1.

  10. Davis Presentation Manager
    A Windows 3.1 based program to manage presentation files using a remote control mouse to a LCD overhead display. I also implemented a serial mouse device driver for the remote control mouse hardware of the Davis LCD panel. This project was written in C++ using the native API of Windows 3.1, back in 1993.

May 14, 2000.
 * This page has
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times since
October 2, 1996.