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Python 1.5 Reference Manual

Table Of Contents

Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: - Introduction
1.1 - Notation
Chapter 2: - Lexical analysis
2.1 - Line structure
2.1.1 - Logical lines
2.1.2 - Physical lines
2.1.3 - Comments
2.1.4 - Explicit line joining
2.1.5 - Implicit line joining
2.1.6 - Blank lines
2.1.7 - Indentation
2.1.8 - Whitespace between tokens
2.2 - Other tokens
2.3 - Identifiers and keywords
2.3.1 - Keywords
2.3.2 - Reserved classes of identifiers
2.4 - Literals
2.4.1 - String literals - String literal concatenation
2.4.2 - Numeric literals - Integer and long integer literals - Floating point literals - Imaginary literals
2.5 - Operators
2.6 - Delimiters
Chapter 3: - Data model
3.1 - Objects, values and types
3.2 - The standard type hierarchy
3.3 - Special method names
3.3.1 - Basic customization
3.3.2 - Customizing attribute access
3.3.3 - Emulating callable objects
3.3.4 - Emulating sequence and mapping types - Additional methods for emulation of sequence types
3.3.5 - Emulating numeric types
Chapter 4: - Execution model
4.1 - Code blocks, execution frames, and name spaces
4.2 - Exceptions
Chapter 5: - Expressions
5.1 - Arithmetic conversions
5.2 - Atoms
5.2.1 - Identifiers (Names)
5.2.2 - Literals
5.2.3 - Parenthesized forms
5.2.4 - List displays
5.2.5 - Dictionary displays
5.2.6 - String conversions
5.3 - Primaries
5.3.1 - Attribute references
5.3.2 - Subscriptions
5.3.3 - Slicings
5.3.4 - Calls
5.4 - The power operator
5.5 - Unary arithmetic operations
5.6 - Binary arithmetic operations
5.7 - Shifting operations
5.8 - Binary bit-wise operations
5.9 - Comparisons
5.10 - Boolean operations
5.11 - Expression lists
5.12 - Summary
Chapter 6: - Simple statements
6.1 - Expression statements
6.2 - Assert statements
6.3 - Assignment statements
6.4 - The pass statement
6.5 - The del statement
6.6 - The print statement
6.7 - The return statement
6.8 - The raise statement
6.9 - The break statement
6.10 - The continue statement
6.11 - The import statement
6.12 - The global statement
6.13 - The exec statement
Chapter 7: - Compound statements
7.1 - The if statement
7.2 - The while statement
7.3 - The for statement
7.4 - The try statement
7.5 - Function definitions
7.6 - Class definitions
Chapter 8: - Top-level components
8.1 - Complete Python programs
8.2 - File input
8.3 - Interactive input
8.4 - Expression input

Python 1.5 Reference Manual - 6 DEC 1997
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