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   OpenDoc provides a new way of working with documents.  This document 
   describes OpenDoc for OS/2, which is the implementation of the OpenDoc 
   technology under OS/2 and will study how an OpenDoc document is used. 
   Familiar documents of today and yesterday are compared to the new OpenDoc 
   documents format.  The similarities and differences between these document 
   types are contrasted.  The limitations of a conventional document and the 
   benefits of OpenDoc for both applications users and developers are 
   discussed.  This document describes OpenDoc for OS/2 that was generally 
   available in February 1996 on The Developer Connection for OS/2 Volume 9 
   Special Edition, for IBM's OS/2 Warp Version 3, OS/2 Warp with WIN-OS/2 
   and OS/2 Warp Connect. 


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