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Index Entry Section

quasiquote2.6 Quoting
quasiquote7. Lists
quick-sort7.9 Miscellaneous List Operations
quick-sort!8.4 Modifying Vectors
quote2.6 Quoting
quote7. Lists
quotient4.5 Numerical operations
quotient4.5 Numerical operations
quotient4.5 Numerical operations

raise-window on os2-graphics-device17.11.3 Window Operations for OS/2 Graphics
random4.8 Random Numbers
random-state?4.8 Random Numbers
rational?4.5 Numerical operations
rationalize4.5 Numerical operations
rationalize->exact4.5 Numerical operations
rb-tree->alist11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/copy11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/datum-list11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/delete!11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/delete-max!11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/delete-max-datum!11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/delete-max-pair!11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/delete-min!11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/delete-min-datum!11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/delete-min-pair!11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/empty?11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/equal?11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/height11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/insert!11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/key-list11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/lookup11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/max11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/max-datum11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/max-pair11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/min11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/min-datum11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/min-pair11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree/size11.6 Red-Black Trees
rb-tree?11.6 Red-Black Trees
re-match-end-index6.8 Regular Expressions
re-match-extract6.8 Regular Expressions
re-match-start-index6.8 Regular Expressions
re-string-match6.8 Regular Expressions
re-string-search-backward6.8 Regular Expressions
re-string-search-forward6.8 Regular Expressions
re-substring-match6.8 Regular Expressions
re-substring-search-backward6.8 Regular Expressions
re-substring-search-forward6.8 Regular Expressions
read1. Overview
read1.2.6 External Representations
read5.1 External Representation of Characters
read7. Lists
read10.2 Symbols
read10.2 Symbols
read10.2 Symbols
read14.1 Ports
read14.4 Input Procedures
read-button on os2-graphics-device17.11.4 Event Operations for OS/2 Graphics
read-char14.1 Ports
read-char14.4 Input Procedures
read-char14.4 Input Procedures
read-char14.4 Input Procedures
read-char on input port14.9.3 Input Port Operations
read-char-no-hang14.4 Input Procedures
read-line14.4 Input Procedures
read-only2.10 Structure Definitions
read-string14.4 Input Procedures
read-string on input port14.9.3 Input Port Operations
read-string!14.4 Input Procedures
read-substring on input port14.9.3 Input Port Operations
read-substring!14.4 Input Procedures
read-user-event on os2-graphics-device17.11.4 Event Operations for OS/2 Graphics
real-part4.5 Numerical operations
real-time-clock15.6 Machine Time
real?4.5 Numerical operations
record-accessor10.4 Records
record-constructor10.4 Records
record-modifier10.4 Records
record-predicate10.4 Records
record-type-descriptor10.4 Records
record-type-field-names10.4 Records
record-type-name10.4 Records
record-type?10.4 Records
record?10.4 Records
redisplay-hook15.7.3 Subprocess Options
reduce7.8 Reduction of Lists
reduce-right7.8 Reduction of Lists
regexp-group6.8 Regular Expressions
remainder4.5 Numerical operations
remainder4.5 Numerical operations
rename-file15.3 File Manipulation
resize-window on win32-graphics-device17.10.2 Custom Operations for Win32 Graphics
resize-window on x-graphics-device17.9.3 Custom Operations on X Graphics Devices
resource-id18.2.1 Windows Types
restart/effector16.4.4 The Named Restart Abstraction
restart/interactor16.4.3 Finding and Invoking General Restart Code
restart/interactor16.4.4 The Named Restart Abstraction
restart/name16.4.4 The Named Restart Abstraction
restart?16.4.4 The Named Restart Abstraction
restore-window on os2-graphics-device17.11.3 Window Operations for OS/2 Graphics
retry16.4 Restarts
retry16.4.2 Invoking Standard Restart Code
retry16.4.2 Invoking Standard Restart Code
reverse7.9 Miscellaneous List Operations
reverse!7.9 Miscellaneous List Operations
reverse-string6.9 Modification of Strings
reverse-string!6.9 Modification of Strings
reverse-substring6.9 Modification of Strings
reverse-substring!6.9 Modification of Strings
round4.5 Numerical operations
round->exact4.5 Numerical operations
run-shell-command15.7.1 Subprocess Procedures
run-synchronous-subprocess15.7.1 Subprocess Procedures
runtime15.6 Machine Time

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This document was generated by Chris Hanson on July, 16 2001 using texi2html