| Index Entry | Section |
K | | |
| key, of association list element (defn) | 11.1 Association Lists |
| keyword constructor | 2.10 Structure Definitions |
| keyword constructor (defn) | 2.10 Structure Definitions |
| keyword, of special form (defn) | 1.4.3 Special Form Syntax |
L | | |
| l, as exponent marker in number | 4.4 Syntax of numerical constants |
| lambda expression (defn) | 2.1 Lambda Expressions |
| lambda list (defn) | 2.1 Lambda Expressions |
| lambda, implicit in define | 2.4 Definitions |
| lambda, implicit in let | 2.2 Lexical Binding |
| latent types (defn) | 1. Overview |
| lazy evaluation (defn) | 10.5 Promises |
| least common multiple, of numbers | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| length, of bit string | 9.2 Selecting Bit String Components |
| length, of bit string (defn) | 9. Bit Strings |
| length, of list (defn) | 7. Lists |
| length, of stream | 10.6 Streams |
| length, of string | 6.10 Variable-Length Strings |
| length, of string (defn) | 6. Strings |
| length, of vector (defn) | 8. Vectors |
| letrec, implicit in define | 2.4.2 Internal Definitions |
| lexical binding expression | 2.2 Lexical Binding |
| lexical conventions | 1.3 Lexical Conventions |
| lexical scoping (defn) | 1.2.4 Static Scoping |
| library, system pathname | 15.1.4 Miscellaneous Pathname Procedures |
| library, system pathname | 15.1.4 Miscellaneous Pathname Procedures |
| limitations | 18.1 Overview |
| limitations | 18.2 Foreign Function Interface |
| line style, graphics (defn) | 17.4 Characteristics of Graphics Output |
| linking (hard), of file | 15.3 File Manipulation |
| linking (soft), of file | 15.3 File Manipulation |
| list (defn) | 7. Lists |
| list index (defn) | 7.3 Selecting List Components |
| list, association (defn) | 11.1 Association Lists |
| list, converting to stream | 10.6 Streams |
| list, converting to string | 6.1 Construction of Strings |
| list, converting to vector | 8.1 Construction of Vectors |
| list, external representation | 7. Lists |
| list, improper (defn) | 7. Lists |
| literal expression (defn) | 1.4.1 Literal Expressions |
| literal, and quasiquote | 2.6 Quoting |
| literal, and quote | 2.6 Quoting |
| literal, identifier as | 1.3.3 Identifiers |
| loading DLLs | 18.2.2 Windows Foreign Procedures |
| location | 1.2.8 Storage Model |
| location, of variable | 1.2.1 Variable Bindings |
| logical operations, on fixnums | 4.7.1 Fixnum Operations |
| long precision, of inexact number | 4.4 Syntax of numerical constants |
| loopback interface | 15.9 Miscellaneous OS Facilities |
| looping (see iteration expressions) | 2.9 Iteration |
| lowercase | 1.3.4 Uppercase and Lowercase |
| lowercase, character conversion | 5.3 Miscellaneous Character Operations |
| lowercase, in string | 6.4 Alphabetic Case in Strings |
M | | |
| magnitude, of real number | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| manifest types (defn) | 1. Overview |
| mapping, of list | 7.7 Mapping of Lists |
| mapping, of stream | 10.6 Streams |
| mapping, of vector | 8.1 Construction of Vectors |
| matching, of strings | 6.7 Matching Strings |
| maximum length, of string (defn) | 6.10 Variable-Length Strings |
| maximum, of numbers | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| memoization, of promise | 10.5 Promises |
| merging, of pathnames | 15.1.3 Operations on Pathnames |
| meta, bucky bit prefix (defn) | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| method, unparser (defn) | 14.7 Custom Output |
| minimum, of numbers | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| modification time, of file | 15.3 File Manipulation |
| modification, of bit string | 9.5 Modification of Bit Strings |
| modification, of string | 6.9 Modification of Strings |
| modification, of vector | 8.4 Modifying Vectors |
| modulus, of hashing procedure | 11.4.1 Construction of Hash Tables |
| modulus, of integers | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| moving, of bit string elements | 9.5 Modification of Bit Strings |
| moving, of string elements | 6.9 Modification of Strings |
| moving, of vector elements | 8.4 Modifying Vectors |
| multiple values, from procedure | 12.3 Continuations |
| multiplication, of numbers | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| must be, notational convention | 1.1.1 Errors |
| mutable | 1.2.8 Storage Model |
| mutation procedure (defn) | 1.3.5 Naming Conventions |
N | | |
| name, of character | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| name, of file | 15.3 File Manipulation |
| name, of symbol | 10.2 Symbols |
| name, of value (defn) | 1.2.1 Variable Bindings |
| name, pathname component | 15.1.2 Components of Pathnames |
| named lambda (defn) | 2.1 Lambda Expressions |
| named let (defn) | 2.9 Iteration |
| naming conventions | 1.3.5 Naming Conventions |
| naming conventions | 18.2.3 Win32 API names and procedures |
| negative number | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| nesting, of quasiquote expressions | 2.6 Quoting |
| newest, as pathname component | 15.1.2 Components of Pathnames |
| newline character (defn) | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| newline character, output to port | 14.5 Output Procedures |
| newline translation | 14.2 File Ports |
| non-local exit | 12.3 Continuations |
| notation, dotted (defn) | 7. Lists |
| notational conventions | 1.1 Notational Conventions |
| null string, predicate for | 6.2 Selecting String Components |
| number | 4. Numbers |
| number, external representation | 4.4 Syntax of numerical constants |
| number, pseudo-random | 4.8 Random Numbers |
| numeric character (defn) | 5.6 Character Sets |
| numeric precision, inexact | 4.4 Syntax of numerical constants |
| numerical input and output | 4.6 Numerical input and output |
| numerical operations | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| numerical types | 4.1 Numerical types |