
C Styled Script
Reference Manual

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  const rec,                  // record to parse
  const mode,                 // file mode (1)
  const &fmts[],              // field formats (2)
  var &vals[],                // fiels values returned
 [const nullind]);            // null indicators in vals (default=false)

Parses an ASCII record. Typically used by database import scripts together with the dax and file libraries. These file modes are supported:

Mode Description
A,a ASCII fix
C,c Comma separated
S, s Semicolon separated
T,t Tab separated, text in quotes
U,u Tab separated, text unquoted

The field formats are records of 2 ... n words. The 1st word is a field type from this list:

Format Description
T,t text
F,f fixtext (ignored)
n number with decimal point (leading sign)
N number with decimal point (trailing sign)
x number with fixed fraction digits (no decimal point, leading sign)
X number with fixed fraction digits (no decimal point, trailing sign)

The next words are used as:

  • 2nd word = (maximum) width in chars

  • 3rd word (numbers only) = # of fractional digits

The data extracted from the record are stored in vals. If nullind is true, the data is arranged in 2 colums (for example data[totFields][2]), where the first (index 0) holds the value and the second (index 1) is the NULL value indicator (true/1 = value is null, false/0 = value is not null).


  const dataLayout = {
    't 20',        // article #
    't 30',        // name
    'n  6',        // actual stock
    'f  3',        // currency, ignore
    'n  8 2'       // price
  var fvals[4];
    "'1122.344.102.00';'Leather football champion';112;'USD';12.95",
    's', dataLayout, fvals)
  // The result will be:
  //   fvals[0] = '1122.344.102.00';
  //   fvals[1] = 'Leather football champion';
  //   fvals[2] = 112;
  //   fvals[3] = 12.95;
 Copyright © IBK LandquartLast revised by Peter Koch, 24.02.00<< Back  Top  Next >>