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8. Miscellany

8.1 How do I use Microsoft Windows (tm) True Type fonts ?

Information from David Mihm (, posted in the AfterStep mailing list:

You are looking for a server for True Type fonts. A blurb about one of the few programs to provide this server to any WM:

Xfstt means "X11 Font Server for TT fonts" TT fonts are generally regarded to be the best scalable fonts for low resolution devices like screens.

This server can be obtained from sunsite:

You might want to check freshmeat to see if there are newer versions.

According to F. Nicolaas Benders (, there may be difficulties with the server:

I've been running the 0.97 version and it works well with one major problem.
Whenever I start it, it automatically slams my CPU and won't let go until it's
killed.  I refuse to believe that a font server should need more than 50% of my
proccessor time constantly, has anyone else had any experience with this?

8.2 What is this WindowMaker I keep hearing about in the list?

WindowMaker a new NeXT-like window manager that is being developed by Alfredo Kojima ( with the support of a lot of other people. It will support many OpenStep/GNUStep-ish features, and there is talk that it may be the `next-generation _asnl', and even the window manager of choice for GNUstep. You can download it from

However, be advised that WindowMaker is still in a early stage of development, so don't plan on using it for real work for now unless you want to cope with a lot of unimplemented features. But it is advancing very fast, so you may also want to take a good look at it.

8.3 What is ASCP?

ASCP stands for `AfterStep Control Panel', and is a program that allows you to configure AfterStep while imitating the NEXTSTEP control panel look and feel. It makes really easy to configure AfterStep without manually fiddling with the .steprc file. You can download it from ; be sure to backup your .steprc file before using it, because it still has some bugs and problems.

WARNING 1: Due to changes introduced in AfterStep 1.0pre4 and posterior versions, the files written by ASCP cause AfterStep to behave very strangely, particularily the Wharf. So please don't use ASCP for configuring 1.0pre4 until this is fixed. If you accidentally did and you don't have a backup of your .steprc, follow the directions below to fix it:

WARNING 2: AfterStep doesn't use .steprc since version 1.2, so you will have to run it in 'compatibility' mode:

 afterstep -f yeoldsteprc

For this reason, ASCP is not really compatible with the latest versions of AfterStep. A new configuration utility is planned, but is not yet ready.

  1. In your .steprc, locate the lines that start with
           *Wharf "" ...
  2. The empty double quotes are the ones causing the trouble. You have to give each Wharf entry a unique label there, inside the double quotes.
  3. Restart and it should be fixed.

In case you are interested, this happens because 1.0pre4 introduced the `swallow-exec' capability in the standard distribution. This uses the labels to know which Wharf items have multiple meanings, so if all the labels are the same, Wharf superimposes all the icons on one.

8.4 What is TkStep and why do I want it?

TkStep is a modified version of Tk that implements the NEXTSTEP look and feel. If you use wishstep instead of wish to run your applications, all your Tcl/Tk programs will suddenly have a renewed and great new look!

You may also want it because ASCP needs it.

You can get it at; you need to have Tcl7.5/Tk4.1 to run it. There is also a version of TkStep for Tk8.0. See

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