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7. General usage, features and bugs

7.1 Why does AfterStep get slower and slower until I restart it?

Apparently there was a bug in versions up to 1.0pre3 (probably a memory leak) that caused this behavior. We know that setting your TextureMaxColors to something small, like `16 16 16 16' or `32 32 32 32', will stop this problem. It also seems to happen only with XFree86 in 32-bpp mode (or 16? Please give me confirmation), and if you're in 8-bpp or a different X server, it doesn't seem to cause a problem.

This problem was solved in 1.0pre4, as far as we know. Upgrade!

7.2 Click-to-focus dies

Sometimes, after I've been running AfterStep for a while in click-to- focus mode, I can't shift the focus from one window to another by clicking. I have to iconify and deiconify the window to shift focus, or pick it from the popup list.

This is a strange bug, that is (sometimes at least) caused by having the NumLock key activated. It is present up to 1.0pre4, so check your NumLock key.

This problem is solved in 1.0pre5, so you should upgrade if you're still having this problem

7.3 What is this `Shade' thing?

Shade is a window function that is often seen on the Macintosh system. In theory, it makes a window disappear except for the title bar. For example, an Xterm normally looks like this:

         |             Xterm            |
         |                              |
         |                              |
         |                              |
         |                              |
         |                              |

Shade is set by default to take effect when one double clicks on the title bar of the window. When shade takes effect, the Xterm looks like this:

         |             Xterm            |

This is nice for saving desktop space and for window management purposes. Some prefer it to iconifying the windows.

Up to 1.0pre3, Shade didn't work correctly, because it worked by resizing the window to a height of 0 pixels, which some applications didn't like.

In 1.0pre4 and posterior versions, Shade works by making the application think that it is being iconified, so it works with all applications again. It has the problem, though, that shaded windows become `sticky' and appear in all the pages in the virtual desktop.

We will try to solve this problem soon.

7.4 When I restart AfterStep, it kills X. What gives?

This was a bug that occured in AfterStep betas. If you experience this bug, you are running an old release of AfterStep. Upgrade to v1.0pre4 or later to fix this. This is, incidentally, something you should probably do anyway, considering the wealth of features your are missing.

7.5 What is swallow-exec?

It's a feature introduced in the distribution in 1.0pre4 (it previously existed as a separate patch) that allows you to associate an action to an entry in the Wharf corresponding to a swallowed application. So for example you can have asmail in the Wharf, and have it configured so that when you click on it, it warps to your email reading window. If your email reader is exmh, the required lines would be:

       *Wharf "asmail" nil Swallow     "asmail" asmail &
       *Wharf "asmail" nil Warp        "-" exmh

Note how both lines have the same label `asmail', which tells Wharf that those two go together. You can use any AfterStep function instead of `Warp'. For example, if you want the xload icon to fire a top window when clicked, you can have something like this:

       *Wharf "xload" nil Swallow      "xload" xload -geometry 48x48-1-1 &
       *Wharf "xload" nil Exec "Top" xterm +sb -T Top -n Top -e top &

By the way, this feature is responsible for a strange bug. See the next question.

7.6 I upgraded to 1.0pre4 or later, and now the Wharf doesn't work. What happens?

This is not a bug, it's a feature :-). No, really, this behavior was introduced due to the introduction of the `Swallow-exec' capability in 1.0pre4. To fix it, do the following:

  1. In your .steprc, locate the lines that start with
           *Wharf "" ...
  2. The could be also nil, or any other label that is the same for all the Wharf entries. These repeated labels are the ones causing the trouble. You have to give each Wharf entry a unique label there, like `xload', `asmail', `Pager', etc.
  3. Restart and it should be fixed.

Of course, the better answer is to upgrade to 1.4.x or later, and re-configure your Wharf.

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