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UFO.gif   ID4

Food For Thought about ID4 (A.K.A. 20 things to learn from ID4):

  1. All American Presidents and Ex vietnam vet crop dusters can be taught how to fly an F18 within a period not exceeding 24 hours.
  2. All aforementioned pilots are automatically able to out fly any given Alien pilot (who is in a superior machine with green laser thingees)
  3. All alien space craft (with a radius of 15 miles), when destroyed will only crash behind historic landmarks (Sydney Harbour Bridge, Egyptian Pryamids etc.)
  4. All Alien space craft will crash in one piece and not hurt anyone of the human species (even if the craft was directly overhead when it blew up). No debris falls from exploding Alien spacecraft. Any exploding debris from your Mothership can be regarded as nothing more than a pretty backdrop for your final scene.
  5. All baseball hats and shoes are made by Reebok. All humans drink nothing but Coca Cola.
  6. All alien space craft have bucket seating which contours the shape of the human body (despite the Aliens being significantly different to the human species)
  7. All Aliens have body odour problems :)
  8. When Los Angeles is destroyed in a fire storm you can survive by jumping into any doorway marked "Maintenance". The fact that the fire storm destroys everything in its path and passes about 1 metre away from you is irrelevant.
  9. Following on from 8. all dogs and 747 jet planes are quicker than the firestorm.
  10. The first building to be destroyed is always owned by IBM. There is a message in that.
  11. Following on from 10. All computers capable of surviving intergalatic war are Apple Macs.
  12. Any given Apple Mac can interface with any given Alien operating system by the operator simply typing "connect host". All Alien Motherships and Apple Mac's use TCP/IP (Terrestrial Communication Protocol / Intergalatic Protocol) to enable a virus (with skull and crossbones logo) to be transmitted between the two.
  13. Alien Motherships don't use antivirus software (or they haven't updated recently). If the Alien server goes down all clients will be automatically logged off. There is no systems administrator on duty. (or was that Alien in the docking station just plain negligent in his/her duties)
  14. Every man woman and child on earth knows morse code.
  15. Any secret defence base can be accessed by the use of a pick up truck, 100 mobile homes, and 100 kilos of half dead alien flesh. Oh and Roswell was real........
  16. All Alien motherships make a large bang in space when they explode. Sound travels very well in Space.
  17. When piloting an alien space craft for the first time all you need to know is fwd/back/left/right (but if you are Will Smith and you get it wrong the first time thats ok). All human piloted Alien space craft are capable of reentering earths atmosphere and avoiding the millions of flying pieces of exploding mothership. All alien vehicles have tinted windows (but no sunroof)
  18. You always crash within a short ute's drive of home.
  19. All nuclear devices have an LCD display showing you how many seconds till booooooom time. There is always an Alien around to watch the timer as it reaches zero. Oh by the way, all Aliens have those triangle heads.
  20. And the final thing I learnt from Independence Day: The producers of the movie have seen Star Wars and REALLY like it. (hmmmm was that the deathstar exploding at the end).

P.S: If you're Will Smith all you have to do is punch an Alien to knock it out. The Aliens protective bio suit is no match for mighty Will.

[NOTICE: Sorry but I've lost the source of the above - it's not my own list. If you made this, please let me know and I'll credit you. - Irmen]

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