Kicksoft Logo
Welcome to Kicksoft.

This is the new software company from the Kickstart Amiga group that is dedicated to making life easier
for software authors and Amiga users alike.

We are dedicated to giving you excellent service and so would like to make these promises.

To mark the launch of Kicksoft we will be running a series of competitions to win software

Click here to enter the competition

Going to ALT .WOA ?.....Then preorder here with no commitment <

Click here if you want to pay by cheque or cash in the UK.

Drawstudio front cover picture The premier vector graphic program available once again
Comes on CD with HTML manual, Fonts , Images ,
Product Name:� Drawstudio $50

Spitfir2 front cover picture Got a 3com Palm pilot®or compatable?
then you need this program!! Palm desktop on your Amiga©
Product ID:� SPITFIRE2
Product Name:� SPITFIRE 2 $38

GoldED6 front cover picture The best Editor, Program Editor , HTML Generator on the
Amiga. Comes on CD.
Product ID:� GOLDED
Product Name:� GOLDED $46

Riva front cover picture The fastest 68k based MPEG player on the Amiga® today!!
Comes on CD with example MPEG files.
Product ID:� RIVA
Product Name:� Riva $30

Metaview front cover picture The only vector graphic converter and catalouger on the
Comes on CD with 30,000 example Clip-Art.
Product Name:� Metaview $25

Moovid front cover picture The premier AVI, QuickTime and MOV player for the Amiga
Comes on CD with example MOV and QT files.
Product ID:� MOOVID 68k
Product Name:� Moovid 68k version $20

Moovid front cover picture PPC version with both WARPUP and POWERUP versions
Comes on CD with example MOV and QT files.
Product Name:� Moovid PPC $30

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Press here if you want to pay by cheque in the UK.
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