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In general the current utilization process consists of evaluating the appropriateness of each module. The goal is to reuse, without modification, 60-80 meet, there are cases where the same customizations are done in multiple projects thus missing opportunities for additional reuse. None of these improvements are rolled back into the baseline and few of these improvements become part of the ``delta'' disks which are passed as adjuncts to the baseline repository. We recommend creating an additional repository into which alternative module implementations can be saved. It can be organized identically as the baseline repository so that utilizers know where to look. If one wanted to provide further assistance one could create automatic links from one repository to the other. When these alternatives are saved, the utilizer can reuse them directly or use them as a source of ideas when creating a new module. The former will not happen often since it would imply that these alternatives were being developed for reuse which would typically be beyond the scope of the engagement that created the alternative module. An additional advantage of putting in place the â•¥alternative module repositoryâ•™ is that it provides a ready migration path toward a more planned process of creating and using reusable modules.

Larry Latour
Tue Oct 17 13:52:17 EDT 1995