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Asset Utilization

Asset utilization is development-with-reuse. The principle steps to development with reuse is identification of the potentially reusable asset(s), evaluation and hopefully selection of the appropriate asset(s), tailoring of the asset (if this is part of the specific utilization process of this specific asset), and integration of this asset into the total solution. For Customer /1 IP, this activity is performed by comparing the requirements of the client to Customer /1 IP. The resulting Gap Analysis determines the feasibility and cost of leveraging this asset. The development process for Customer /1 has been streamlined to: install, convert, then customize.

Knowledge of which portions of Customer /1 can be tailored, as well as how to perform this tailoring, is known by managers and staff who have extensive experience with the asset. This knowledge is the single greatest limiting factor to our capacity to build Customer /1 IP solutions.

Larry Latour
Tue Oct 17 13:52:17 EDT 1995