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Micro-Architectures - The Software Engineer's Perspective

Since the mental models we used as examples tended to be models of software subsystems, the discussion naturally shifted to the issue of micro vs. macro-architectures. Joe Hollingsworth said that he coined the term micro-architecture to distinguish it from those forms of architecture that are very high level, pictorial, global, informal, etc. He was attempting to focus on the hard language and design issues of composability and local certifiability, and he needed a new, more specific notion of architecture to focus that much better.

Figure: Relationships Among Ideas

Our take on ``micro-architecture'' and how it relates to other concepts is shown in Figure gif. There is a continuum between ``micro''-level concerns at the level of individual components, and ``macro''-level concerns at the level of entire applications or systems. In addition, there is a distinction between focusing on how software artifacts should be built (termed ``architecture'' in Figure gif), or on how their behavior should be conceptually modeled and explained (termed ``modeling'' in Figure gif).

Larry Latour
Sun Sep 17 21:09:35 EDT 1995