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Different Definitions of Domain


In the following sections we discuss some of the alternative definitions for the term "domain" that emerged from our discussion. The illustration in Figure gif shows a rough schematic interpretation of the different interpretations described below.

Figure: Map of Variant Interpetations of Domain and Domain Model  

Note that what we refer to as the ``AI view'' or ``OO View'' are not intended as accurate statements of the view of any particular researchers; they are convenient labels for distinct positions.

The AI view locates domains in the real-world problem space, but distinguishes domain-spacific from generic inference strategies that are also associated with real-world processes.

The OO View considers domain analysis to be modeling of the real-world actors, objects and operations as opposed to program and data structures that will be the subjects of OOD. In both the AI and OO context, the term ``domain expert'' is likely to connte a non-programmer practitioner.

In the current SSR (systematic software reuse) view, the domain is characterized as a class or set of systems. However the term domain model can still take on varied meanings, which we explore in more detail in the working group.

Larry Latour
Sat Oct 7 22:45:23 EDT 1995