
Me Company is going to work for Apple
Source: Apple Magazine (provided by: Niels van Burk)
Last edited: 07-05-97 22:29:25

Design by Me CompanyApple is currently working on a new project, soon they are going to open an "Apple Boutique" in London. Since Apple always was/where (decided yourself) in the lead with new things. They have asked the Me company, they have designed almost every Bj÷rk singles and Albums in the past years, to design the inside of the Apple shop.

Apple designer Jonathan Ive reports the following in the Apple Magazine:

"My latest obsession is with Me Company," admits Jonathan Ive, referring to the studio best known for its adrenaline-fuelled pop graphics for Bj÷rk. "They're doing exactly what I'm doing, communicating through objects." Given his status at Apple these days, Ive can incorporate his passion into his work: the Me lads are tipped to be creating graphics for an Apple boutique in London, whose interior may be designed by Marc Newson.

Note: Me Company also did the design for a cafe in London called Rikki Tik.

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⌐1997 - Raimond van Raamsdonk