Book Raves from Discovery Middle School

Book Raves

The House Without a Christmas Tree
Gail Rock
Elizabeth Hutchinson

The setting of this story is 1946 in a little town called Clear River. The title comes from the fact that there are only two families in the town without a Christmas tree because neither can afford one. Addie, the main character, finds out her teacher is going to give a tree to one of the families. They have a contest. Find out the ending for yourself. I would recommend this book to a friend because it was funny, sad, and if I was rating it, I would give it a superior.

Brighty of the Grand Canyon
Marguerite Henry
Jill Atwell

The story takes place in the Grand Canyon in Arizona during the late 1800s. The main idea is that animals can be very smart, even outwit humans sometimes. The author's message is you shouldn't treat animals like they are dumb because they can give it right back to people. I would recommend this novel to a friend because it is funny, exciting, and most of all, you don't know what's going to happen next.

Night of the Twisters
Ivy Buckman
Melissa King

The title of this story comes from the fact that there were two or three tornadoes in the city on that night. I liked the author's writing style because he used words that were easy to understand. The message of the story is to never give up. The author's trying to get across to readers that it is always good to help people in need. I would recommend this book to a friend because there's never a dull moment, because it tells a story which could probably be true, and because it's exciting to see what the family does in a situation like that.

Kristy's Great Idea
Ann M. Martin
Charlene Rosen

Kristy is the main character in this series from The Babysitter's Club. She is the originator of the Club. She begins the Club from her house using her friends as vice-president and secretary. The main idea is to think about the pros and cons even if you think you have a great idea. I think you should read this book because it is funny, realistic, and it can teach you not to do anything dramatic without first thinking about it.

Sam, The Cat Detective
Linda Stewart
Anna Witmer

Sam is a cat that solves cases. In this story Sugary's owners have been robbed. A missing jade and a smell of turpentine is all Sam has to go on. Sam, Sugary, and Spike solve the case of the midding jade. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves cats, mysteries, or both.

Goosebumps: Go Eat Worms
R.L. Stine
Bao Hoang

This story revolves around Todd Barstow whose hobby is collecting worms. He enjoys worms so much he carries them around and even uses them to scare people, especially his sister Regina. Read the book to find out how the worms get revenge on Todd at the end of the story.

The Great Brain
John D. Fitzgerald
Jessica Price

The story takes place in Addenville, Utah in 1896. The novel's title is a reference made by all the town people in describing who they thought is the smartest person. This humorous novel describes Tom Dennis, who is a sly and exteremely smart person. He manipulates people into doing what is best for him and for themselves. I would recommend this novel to a friend because it is humorous and witty. The book illustrates that self confidence affects everything you do and how people perceive you.

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