MidLink Magazine's December/January Index
Announcing our December/January Theme:
Friendship and Holidays

  Friendship stories: This Section Features stories from kids all over the world about their friends.

Check out these great Links to pages about Friendship.

Peace Cards, this project was such a hit last year, we decided to bring it back. Take a look at the all new peace cards and send in some of your own.

Holidays: this project features graphics and stories sent in from kids all over the world.

Exploris A new kind of museum for YOU! When the doors open in Raleigh, North Carolina, in February, 1999, this will be the nation's first interactive global learning center.

Haiku Exchange: Join students at Chikujo-Nishi High School, Fukuoka, Japan, as they exchange Haikus and greetings of the season. Don't miss our newest Haikus in the Write Spot.

The Virtual Quilt: Curl up by the fire under the virtual quilt and drink a cup of hot chocolate with your cyber-friends. This project features "patches" and stories created by kids representing their countries, states, and territories.

You can follow the adventures of theKa'imimoana in REAL-TIME ! Now that the NOAA Malcolm Baldridgehas been decommissioned we have said farewell to Captain Nelson and his talented crew. But....MidLink Magazine is getting involved with *another* NOAA ship! This ship is called the Ka'imimoana. Check out this page to learn about it's mission, location, or to write a letter to the captain.

3-D Web-olution! Virtual models from Hawaii and Belarus. View these by downloading them or in Realtime! You can download the plug-in and play them in your web browser.

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Questions or comments to: Caroline McCullen, Ligon GT Magnet Middle School Raleigh, NC
Educator-on-Loan, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Last Revision:January 11, 1997

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