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The Wedding

Nothing remains of the great, half graphomaniac, enchanting poetry of Wesele. Nothing remains of theatre magic. This is the price Wajda pays for the radical inventiveness of his interpretation. The painful fruit of original sin - the sin of one-sidedness.

Jan Pawel Gawlik, "Teatr", nr17/1976
cyt. za: Maciej Karpinski,
"The Theatre of Andrzej Wajda", Warszawa 1980.

[The performance] stripped of the accoutrements of "modernity" and devoid of chic concepts comes close to a kind of drama which doesn't look to frothy inventiveness for theatrical assurance. Full text; scenography fully suggestive of the visual immediacy of Wyspianski's stage indications; acting which ensures full perception of the drama - these are the fundamental merits of the Stary Theatre production. And, among many interesting roles, at least four that are outstanding. Andrzej Wajda has shown a Wyspianski above and beyond the dilemmas of novelty seekers; it was an evening which turned out to be a fascinating theatrical experience.

Bogdan Wojdowski,
"Proba bez kostiumu", Warszawa 1966, p.160.
cit. cf: Maciej Karpinski,
"The Theatre of Andrzej Wajda", Warszawa 1980.

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