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A Hatfull of Rain

Theatre has regained a large piece of potential, once lost - seemingly for ever - in favour of film; it is the potential for showing life in a sophisticated way, not as a synthesis but as a study in detail, with emphasis not on generalization, but on pathology and the surprises of the psyche, a valid testimony of truth. And this creative proposal... unexpectedly seized the vievers, silenced them and took their breath away (...) Gazzo's naturalism, enhanced by the truly film-like sharpness of Wajda's debut in the theatre, turned out to be a real surprise.

Jan Pawel Gawlik, "Zycie Literackie", no 28/1959.
cit. cf: Maciej Karpinski,
"The Theatre of Andrzej Wajda", Warszawa 1980

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