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Re: goth nadal zyje - Londyn


Odkrylam kilka naprawde niezlych miejsc, poznalam
kilku sympatycznych gotow, wiec jest OK - nie nudze
Ostatnio jednak opuscilam na chwile Londyn i
pojechalam na Wybrzeze (nawiasem mowiac - cudowne
miejsce), tam poszlismy do pewnego podobno najbardziej
rockowego pubu, gdzie wielkie poruszenie wywolala moja
koszulka z Sisters Of Mercy - w negatywnym tego slowa
znaczeniu, niestety...
--- Angel Hardcastle <black_angel7@hotmail.com> wrote:
> pisano kiedys ze nie ma gotow w Londynie. Oto info
> jakie otrzymalam od 
> znajomego, dzieki ktoremu ja odkrylam goth:
> I will send you details regarding clubs via email.
> The ones I know is 
> Electric Ballroom by Camden Tube Station, which I
> find too trendy. Gossips 
> in Soho (which I believe is called Devils Garden, I
> will check up).  I will 
> get my funny friend Simon (half man/woman) to email
> me. He knows all the 
> clubs.
> Your friend quoted there are know Goths in London
> these days. Most are at 
> Camden, they usually dress up in the Summer. Many
> hide themselves in the 
> Winter & may not go out at all.
> Slimelight has improved, the club has a license &
> sells alcohol, the music 
> has improved & its free for members at the moment
> before 12am.  There are a 
> lot of Goth events, but they tend to be staged north
> of England, around 
> Nottingham area. The problem with this sort of
> trend, its not popular for 
> the majority of people. Big underground clubs, which
> is well know in London 
> are Fetish/Rubber clubs. Unfortunately the music is
> all techno & you have to 
> dress accordingly. The people there are mad &
> funny.....its real shocker!!!!
> Everybody I have gone with are never disappointed &
> want to go again.
> tyle info z UK
> pozdrawiam
> Angel
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