WWC snapshot of http://www.whitehouse.gov/White_House/EOP/OSTP/html/OSTP_Home.html taken on Sat May 20 0:22:05 1995

Welcome to the
Office of Science and Technology Policy

[ICON: OSTP Seal] [PHOTO: Dr. John H. Gibbons] (~259K)

What's New

and Greatest Hits Including Calendar of Events

OSTP Publications and Testimony

White House Electronic Publications Service:
Science and Technology Documents and Subscription Information

The Clinton-Gore Administration has pledged to marshall all of its resources to achieve: improved health care, a strong national defense, good schools and skilled workers, a clean environment, and -- most of all -- a vibrant economy and good jobs. Wise investments in science and technology lie at the core of our efforts.

The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) provides expert advise to the President in all areas of science and technology. Through the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), OSTP helps the President coordinate science, space, and technology policy and programs across the federal government. The President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) ensures public sector involvemnet in the work of OSTP and the NSTC.

OSTP's Responsibilities

The daily work of OSTP includes:

OSTP Organization

OSTP is led by a Director and four Associate Directors, all of whom are Presidentially-appointed and Senate-confirmed. OSTP is organized into four divisions:

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