WWC snapshot of http://www.whitehouse.gov/White_House/EOP/OSTP/Technology/html/Technology.html taken on Sat May 20 7:31:45 1995

OSTP Technology Division

OSTP's Technology Division helps to develop and implement federal policies for harnessing technology to serve national goals such as global economic competitiveness, environmental quality, and national security. The Division's priorities include: redirecting the U.S. space and aeronatuics program, including the space station; sustaining U.S. Leadership in defense technology while increasing the focus on dual use and civilian technologies; advancing technologies for education; and facilitating development and adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies and advanced computing and communications technologies.

High Performance Computing and Communications

National Information Infrastructure Initiative and the Information Infrastructure Task Force

Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles

Space and Aeronautics

Technology for Economic Growth

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