WWC snapshot of http://www.ota.gov/tab.html taken on Fri May 5 16:36:09 1995

Technology Assessment Board of the 104th Congress

The Technology Assessment Board (TAB) Chairman* for the 104th Congress will be the ranking House Republican; the Vice Chair* will be the ranking Senate Democrat.

*Awaiting appointment by the House and Senate Leadership

The TAB for the 103rd Congress was the following:

             Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts, Chairman
              Don Sundquist, Tennessee, Vice Chairman

           Senate                                House
Ernest F. Hollings, South Carolina     George E. Brown, Jr., California
Claiborne Pell, Rhode Island           John D. Dingell, Michigan
Orrin G. Hatch, Utah                   Jim McDermott, Washington
Charles E. Grassley, Iowa              Amo Houghton, New York
Dave Durenberger, Minnesota            Michael G. Oxley, Ohio

                         Roger C. Herdman

Updated: 1/12/95
Questions or comments: netsupport@ota.gov